Fashion Editorial photo shoot : Everything you need to know


Recently, I was asked by the artistic team I belong to, to create a Fashion Editorial photo shoot
inspired by the ’90s.

After the first spontaneous thoughts about how a professional job can be done, research began and
today I will share with you the steps for my first professional photo shoot.
The aim is to present two looks for the clients who visit our salons
for an evening or family appearance.

Shall we travel together to the final result?

But before that, let’s see how the idea of Fashion Editorial photography starts,
who the stakeholders are and what their role is.
So, for starters, we start with the inspiration of the hairstylist and the stylist.
This is followed by a meeting of these, in which ideas and suggestions are exchanged
and come up with the final concept.
At this point, the team grows, because to achieve the concept’s effect,
a prerequisite is an integrated team of people.
Of course, these people are the photographer, the makeup artist and the model.
But what is the role of each?

In this article we will analyze the role of the hairstylist, the stylist and the photographer


The role of the hairdresser in a Fashion Editorial Photoshoot is not as simple as you might think.
First of all, it is a given that the necessary knowledge, training and practice is available.
But in whatever concept and decade they come up with for the photo shoot the hairdresser has to do research,
to broaden his knowledge and generally requires a lot of work,
as hairstyling plays an important role in the final result.
And besides, you need to study the trends that are currently circulating
and create a hairstyling of the decade but always with today’s standards.
The second stage is the design and the study of the model’s face,
in order for the hairstyle to perfectly match the color of the skin and the shape of the face.
A very important part of the hairdresser is to correct the texture of the hair so that the result is 100% correct
and thoughtful.
And finally, it is certain that they must be there during the entire shoot for any corrections.


The role of a stylist in a Fashion Editorial shoot requires knowledge, experience and practice.
Like the hairdresser, the stylist after choosing a concept must do research,
look up information and read further.
In simpler words, the stylist decides what the model will wear and how she will wear it.
The choice of clothes, accessories and the general image of the model is the responsibility of the costume designer
and before they come up with the concept they should consider whether there are suitable clothes on the market.
Therefore, it is required to do research, search for shops, collect the necessary
and bring them to the photo shoot himself.
But his role does not end there. Because, the stylist is responsible for the condition of the clothes
and their integrity, he wears the clothes and accessories on the model.
When the photo shoot is complete, he has to hang them, iron them
and return them to the shops where they were purchased.
Like the hairdresser, the stylist and the rest of the team are present during the whole shoot.6


The photographer is the member of the team who not only converts the live image into a photograph
but also coordinates the entire team.
But let’s take them in order.
The primary role of the photographer in a Fashion Editorial shoot is to provide a well-equipped studio.

What does that mean?

It means a large space, so that the hairdresser and stylist can do their work without obstacles
and difficulties, such as having a dressing room and boudoir.
In addition, suitable equipment, camera, lights, microphones, backround, computer
and everything necessary for a flawless result.
So, as long as the above are in place, the next role of the photographer is to create a beautiful
and relaxed atmosphere, both for him and for the model and the rest of the team.
After having studied and researched the concept of Editorial photography by himself,
must instruct the model how to pose with the clothes and accessories she wears
and how to highlight the hairstyle.
Also, she should consult a hairdresser and stylist if something is not as it should be on camera,
in order to get the right result.
Finally, having helped the model and created a pleasant atmosphere of cooperation,
is to try to get the best possible result through the camera,
with his skills, knowledge and aesthetics.

“Choose the profession you like, so you don’t have to work a day”
And I conclude with this quote to share how blessed I feel to be able to evolve my knowledge daily through the artistic profession I follow.

I hope through my experience I helped you to find your inspiration and have an image for a Fashion Editorial photo shoot.

Many kisses,
Sissy Visvardi


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