EOPPEP : Countdown for the start of the Professional Competence Certification Examination for Hairdressers – Barbers and Hand and Foot Care Technicians


Preparations for the start of the Certification Examinations are being completed at a feverish pace at EOPPEP
professional competence of hairdressers – barbers and hand and foot care technicians.

Already, the Managing Director of EOPPEP, Mrs. Georgia Reboutsika has planned
during the week, all the necessary meetings with the competent institutions, services and sectoral representations
for the start of the examination procedure with the submission of applications by the thousands of candidates concerned
hairdressing and limb care experts.

In this context, he met today with the President of the Artistic Union of Hairdressers of Greece – KEKKE, Mr. Nikos Kourtis
as well as the representative of the Professional Trade Union of Hairdressers-ESEK, Mr Andreas Valsami,
whom he informed about the timetable.
As she stressed, “as the first priority in the scheduling of examinations to be implemented by the EOPPEP by the end of the year, will be the professional hairdressing and edge care experts, who are waiting to settle the pending certification to obtain a professional license“.

Certification Exam 1


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