White hair (Am I getting old?)


White hair: Why do some people shed white hair prematurely, while others are slow to whiten?

What factors influence and what can we do to slow down the whitening of our hair?

Read my new article and learn all about white hair!

Why does hair turn white?

Hair follicles contain melanocytes which produce a pigment called melanin. Normally, over time, the production of melanin stops and the hair turns white. In men, the first white hairs appear on the temples and beard. On the contrary, in women the first white hair is seen in the crown, i.e. the front hairline. But what are the reasons why some people turn white earlier than others?

Causes of prematurely white hair


Unfortunately there is nothing we can do about our genetic predisposition. Remarkably, conjoined twins will see their first white hair around the same time.

-Oxidative stress and free radicals.

These two are responsible for premature ageing. In short, sometimes the body has an excess of cellular garbage that it cannot handle. This happens over time, but other factors such as exposure to air pollution are often responsible.

-Good nutrition.

It is noteworthy that a diet low in vitamin B, vitamin A, selenium, vitamin E and vitamin C is the cause of early white hair on our heads.

Indeed, a balanced diet rich in proteins, antioxidants, minerals and trace elements is the ideal way to delay the first white hairs in your hair.

-Hormonal disorders.

It is true that changes in hormones such as testosterone, estrogen and progesterone may have a share of responsibility in noticing white hair at some early stage of our life.

-Autoimmune diseases.

The immune system attacks its own cells. For example, vitiligo. In this case it causes the loss of the pigment that colours the hair and consequently the hairs turn white.

-Bad habits.

It is known that bad habits such as smoking and alcohol cause the production of large numbers of free radicals which reduce the oxygenation of the hair. Result? premature aging and white hair!

-Solar radiation.

Exposure to the sun without a hair sunscreen causes photo-aging of the scalp and consequently premature greying. That’s why don’t forget to buy the sunscreens that your hairdresser will recommend you!


Now that you’ve learned the how and why, I expect you to change habits in your daily life. The ones that make you look older and enjoy a better life! And then you won’t complain to your mother that you’re getting old!

Yannos Mindilonitis.


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