Friday, May 17, 2024

Wash your hair less!

Does water help the hair as much as our body?

As much as we need water internally, the less we need to come into contact with the scalp and hair.

Paradoxical but I will explain why!

In a very large percentage of the salon, I face the following concern:

“My hair is very greasy and so I wash it every day”

So I’ll start by saying that your skin secretes sebum because that’s the nourishment and hydration of your hair.
So he needs it.

So you, on the other hand, if you wash daily you remove the sebum, so your skin thinks it has to secrete more
because something was forcibly removed.

In this way a vicious circle is created, resulting in the end in the over-secretion of sebum.

So you should try to adjust your daily routine in relation to your hair, so that there is a wonderful cooperation between you and your hair and you and your scalp are satisfied.

But how will you manage to “steal” a couple of days and delay washing your hair?

1)Wash your hair with professional products suitable for your hair and not from the supermarket that have no cosmetic properties.

2)Before drying your hair, use a mousse by applying it to the roots mainly to help the hair to harden. Dry them upside down and you will have created a small distance between the hair and the scalp.

3)Don’t comb your hair and stick it to the skin for obvious reasons.

4)Avoid the “proca” straightener again for obvious reasons.
Go for loose, voluminous, curly hairstyles or your natural hairstyle if you have curly hair.

5)Use dry shampoo after 1-2 days.

6)After the dry shampoo on the next and last day because you will definitely not be able to stand it anymore,
you can create a nice ponytail or a carefree bun.
You can also untie your bangs for freshening.

I hope I helped you!

If you choose to try any or all of these, I’d be happy to hear how you did and if it worked for you.

Good luck

Calliope Veniou


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