The Tonight Show with Grigoris Arnaoutoglou & the Beauty Blender


My dearest friend, today I came to tell you of my joy, Beauty Blender played on The Tonight Show,
with Gregory Arnaoutoglou!
I don’t know if you’re screaming too because your favorite show was on The Tonight Show, because we’re not going to bother
today with your own problems or because all of Greece has learned what we say, but I was very happy!

Did you see that I told you to listen to me and “share” my advice everywhere, so that the same mistakes don’t happen?
That the Ant1 journalist, from the show “Good morning Greece”, had not “crushed” the information and
made the same mistake, so Gregory’s show, as a known teaser, took the opportunity and, bang, made the video…
What video?
Oh, yes, good! I’ve been talking to you about this for so long, and I haven’t shown you… Come on, stop whining, here it is:

The tip of the day!

At this point, I don’t want you to be a “monophagus” to me!
Come and show the greatness of soul that we Blenterists have and help,
the lovely Maria Anastasopoulou.
Dear Maria, don’t constantly tease your hair, because you cause greasiness, or “grease” it.
and leave the other one with the friction on your clothes, you cause static electricity and your hair will fly in every direction
and as I can imagine in the corner of the studio a colleague will be waiting, with her own hair standing up as well,
who at the first opportunity will rush in and give him the hairspray, give him the brush strokes, will try to save the day!

Don’t tell me the video clip doesn’t ring a bell…

As you can see from my hair, it’s an old video and don’t tell me you haven’t seen it, because you’re laughing at Maria,
but untangling your hair, you don’t know…
If you don’t know how to untangle your hair, don’t do it like Maria Anastasopoulou,
but watch the full episode here 👇👇👇👇

I am the Elizabeth Delandria Hair Expert and Master Hair Colorist of the salons Misel Group and
of the Schools of Hairdressing and Beauty Misel Group MasterClass and please don’t relax, because next time
we’ll talk about you and your hair again, you know!


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