The reality about keratin!


Although we often hear or talk about keratin, the truth is that we don’t know the basics
for the essential protein found naturally in our hair, skin and nails.

Keratin is not straightening
Many times our clients have in their minds that by doing a keratin treatment they will automatically have straight hair.
The reality is that it is a hair smoothing treatment.
It removes frizz and leaves hair shinier and healthier. And of course it reduces moulding time.
This means that we will still need to help our hair with a tool, but it will definitely make our lives easier.

It is demanding
When we choose it, we must keep in mind that it does not do well with chlorine, nor with salt.
So, pay special attention in the summer in the bathroom!
It also needs a special maintenance.
Make sure you get a good quality shampoo without sulphates.

What if I have damaged hair?
Here, caution is essential, especially from the craftsman who will be applying the treatment.
Hair with decapage, or particularly damaged (by various factors) hair,
require very low temperature in the press and always with care.
There are now commercially available formulas that are targeted at this type of hair and do not require the use of a press.
Do your search!

Keratin Treatment by @anastasiahairstylist in Ananeosi Ma.Ster. Team

The result is not the same everywhere

Just as we say that every brain is a whole other world, the same is true for hair.
In beauty matters especially, the results can vary considerably, which makes it very difficult to know
in advance the results of a keratin treatment on your hair.
In theory, a traditional keratin treatment should straighten even the most “difficult” curls,
but many women have ended up with wavy hair that still needs straightening or even worse
with curls that were not affected at all by the smoothing treatments.
It all depends on the strength of the treatment, how it is applied, the temperature of the straightening,
the porosity of the hair and other factors that we really can’t control.

I will close with the first and necessary step before we do any technical work in the salon.
So make a diagnosis!
Discover the hair, feel it, recognize its needs and thus offer it the best result!

Find me on social media, Facebook & Instagram.

I kiss you,
Maria Dretaki


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