Soft heels. 3 ways to do it!!


Do you always wear closed shoes and socks? Do you prefer to walk all day and night with slippers, sandals creating extra friction due to walking, running?

Dead cells in the heels accumulate due to lack of moisture, no matter what shoes you prefer to wear. And maybe in winter you can accept two ugly heels, as long as the problem is only a little heavier feet and maybe some extra discomfort.

But in the summer, all that dry, hard, cracked, loose or sagging skin on the bottom of your feet… it shows!!!

So maybe you should start treating your feet more regularly, with exfoliation and scrubbing?

By spending just a little time on this part of your body, you can transform your heels again in three simple ways…by removing dead skin!!

Foot scrub

Usually when you do your pedicure, you also exfoliate. Right, or are you only interested in your nails looking pretty? Go to the nearest pharmacy or cosmetics store, right next to your neighborhood and ask for the best exfoliating product for you. Put lukewarm water in a bucket, pour in the granulated product you bought and soak your feet for at least 15 minutes. You also have the option to make your own ideal exfoliating product and it’s just as easy. Mix two tablespoons of sea salt, two tablespoons of baby oil and lemon juice in a bowl and massage your creation into the problem areas. Leave it there for a few minutes and rinse with lukewarm water.

The well-known pumice stone

Don’t tell me you’ve never used it, because I’ll either not believe you or I’ll panic.
Choose whether you want to soak your feet for a few minutes in lukewarm water or if you prefer to wet your pumice stone and then scrub your heels and your feet in general. It needs a way, not a force. Try to make circular, gentle strokes and definitely only in areas where there is a dead cell problem and not in injured areas. Don’t forget when you’re done to massage for 3,4 minutes with moisturizing lotion or simple oil.

The vinegar is magical here too

Choose white, red, apple cider vinegar, grape vinegar…whatever you wish and prefer. Put it in a bucket with twice the amount of cold water and let your feet soak for 10 minutes. You will see that your feet will soften and the pumice stone mentioned above will remove dead skin faster and easier. In any case, you should apply moisturizer at the end. Don’t forget.


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