Skin sensitivity from chemical dyes


Skin sensitivity to dyes and what causes them.

Hair dye products contain many ingredients that can irritate the skin and even cause skin irritation.
and allergic
Most cases of allergic contact dermatitis present in hair dyes are
from a component paraphenylenediamine.
It is a chemical substance found in almost all hair dyes as well as in temporary tattoo ink,
in printer ink and in petrol.
Dyeing in a tube together with the oxidant in mixing releases this substance.
Then it is very likely to cause skin sensitivity on the scalp of someone who is sensitive to it.

Hair dyes are divided into three categories depending on the duration of the result.
Permanent, semi-permanent and temporary.
The first two are the ones where we often encounter allergic reactions and skin sensitivity.
Skin sensitivity can be encountered at any stage of your life even if you have been dying your hair for years.
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Effects of allergy to hair dyes.

If you notice an allergy to hair dye your symptoms can range from mild to severe.
Symptoms may be immediate or you may see them over the course of 24 hours.
In other words these can be from a simple or intense itching, burning sensation, blisters with fluid on the scalp,
redness on the face or body.

Treatment of allergic reaction or skin sensitivity from hair dyes.

If you have an immediate, mild reaction to the dye, rinse immediately and thoroughly with lukewarm water and mild shampoo.
In more difficult cases such as severe hives or blisters on the scalp it is advisable to
get a doctor’s opinion perhaps to give antihistamine treatment for a few days.

If you are having your hair dyed for the first time it is advisable for your hairdresser to do it 24 hours before your scheduled appointment
the skin allergy test where we will know that we can safely proceed to the dyeing service.

With love,
Elizabeth Makri


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