“Sale” by the experts!


Sale from the experts!

Thinking about what I could write about the sale this week, I unconsciously thought of Virtue.

I won’t tell you much about her!
Between a coffee and a cigarette we said it all!
Or rather, he said it all!

-My virtue, as you tell me today, do you want to share it with other people as well?
First of all, do you want to introduce yourself?

Hello! I am Areti Florou and I am Byer Browngoods in a large company.
I deal with the retail sale of products and services from ….
Let me count … the last 17 years.
It wasn’t all very easy, but it was certainly special.

-What does selling mean to you?

The sale, in the end I have come to the conclusion that it was my psychotherapy!
How many times I said I was going to leave and yet I was still there!
There are people who were born with this star and others who practice it and are just as good & successful.
What is certain, however, is that it takes “soul” and “faith”.
It takes both “courage” and “patience” and “perseverance” and “will”.
But it takes a good amount of madness to endure and have a “strong stomach”.
But the satisfaction you get at the end for yourself, that you served a customer and they left happy.
That you were able to meet his need with your knowledge and service
that you offered him!
The smile that he will give you at the end is not exchangeable for anything.

-And we hairdressers who live it in a different way can understand exactly what you are saying!
Still, we’re not salesmen, but tell me something we can learn…

Are there any tricks in selling?

There are yes!
You certainly practice these and use them as “secret” weapons at the right times.
From the moment the customer enters the store, a “game” of entertainment and strategy begins from the moment they enter. Because make no mistake, among rascals honesty!

We will never lie to sell, but we will never tell 100% of the truth.
And that’s because if we lie, the customer will come back unhappy and we don’t want that!

If we don’t know something, we will honestly answer: this I don’t know, but I can find out.
Because the rumor that the salesmen are liars came from some people who didn’t honor the jersey!
And the jersey is all that is sacred!
You understand, I think…!

So we will talk about the positives of our product, without mentioning the disadvantages and emphasizing its advantages compared to the competition.
We need to know what the competition is giving and what we are giving!
So we can manage any objection!
Whenever he wants and “reading” guys!!!!
Specifically, in answer to your question, I will tell you briefly:

Tricks of the trade

1) Body posture.

Hands behind the back, shoulders straight.
Smile, the most powerful weapon.
Always plural is meant even if it is 20 years younger/smaller.

2) Open Press Questions

For proper needs enlargement, we can get information.
So we can recommend the right product after we have a quick meeting with our brain ourselves!

3)Confirmation in everything he asks us!

Believe me, it will prevent you from potential mistakes!
If the customer or you have not understood something, it can be quickly identified and solved without problems in the future!
Who wants a customer in the shop shouting in front of the other customers and creating tension for everyone?!
You’re holding scissors! I have to protect you!!!🤣

4) Closing of the Sale.

There we give it all!
That’s where the client will give us his good money!
And we have to be sure that he has left the store without any doubt that he did the right thing!
In general, you should listen to them and then speak, think before you speak!

Your products are all about sensations!
It would be a good idea to explain what you are doing while you are using them, and remind them how good they smell, for example when you are washing them.
e.g. Now I’m going to put the product I was telling you about before

Or while you’re going through slides for balayage, you put the idea for silver earlier … 😉, you’re preparing the ground!
In the wash when you put it on you mention it!
Like at the cash register!
You’ll mention it, as if you’ve already agreed, even though he hasn’t answered you.
… and silver together!
He also needs a little attack, a little bravado!


If you don’t believe your product, you know no one will buy it!
So if we don’t know the technical characteristics, if we don’t know the competition, if we don’t believe it ourselves that it is indeed the BEST…
Not even the customer will believe it! Whenever, he wants “faith & love”

-How do you “raise” the need to acquire the product?

The way is One!
To be able to see the product!
Let’s show him what he’s doing!
Catch it! Let him try it!
Be aware of what it offers in itself, what more it has than the competition and of course the price!
To combine quality – quantity and price!
These 3 are the pillar for the product.

-Great ..but how do you make your product unique?

My product is unique!
First of all because I’m a connoisseur and I try!
I have it too and have chosen it from so many!
It is very important to communicate to them that because of our work we are exposed to so many products and for ourselves we choose the best.
So by extension, and to you, my Maria, who came to me and trusted me, I, Areti (you always say your name! Always! It adds intimacy) will give you the best!

-Tell us something that we hairdressers often discuss among ourselves … Providing and selling, can they be combined?

Of course they can! This is a dream!
You have the shelf of produce next to you and he complains that the edges are dry.
I have dry skin. There it is!
The products inside the store should be set up close to the customer, to have eye contact!
As long as you straighten… the eye will go!
We have all been to the hairdresser and we start telling the deceitful hairdresser our pain.
Take them to the shelf to see them!
Show them!
Yes from the bottle! Yes hold the bottle and read to the customer what it says on the back of the package. Point out to him that what you want is here!
It’s not just a bottle!
It’s what he wants!
Talk about ml, about textures, about perfumes!

-Tell us what advice you would give to young people starting out in the market…

The new kids, huh…?
Always tell the truth!
Not to be given away on the altar of “just selling for the turnover”.
Have passion!
Fighting for the “jersey” and the “team” & not forgetting that everything pays off sooner or later.
Seize every day and every opportunity they can to learn important things about themselves!
To learn their limits, to cultivate their patience and perseverance … and to do everything with heart!
It is important that whatever we do, we do it with “love” and “passion” !

Never let anyone question your worth and what you have earned.
God be with you in the arena!

Many thanks to Areti Florou for sharing pieces of her work and her expertise.

Virtue Florou

It is a “gift” to be inspired by people who set out to succeed and keep going!

Thank you personally, Virtue.

Yours sincerely,

Synioraki Mina


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