Professionals with a capital “E”

Professional photographers

Hello! My name is Elissavet and my profession is Hair Expert, which means hairdresser!
I conclude that hairdressing is my main but not only activity and I will explain why.
The site you’re currently browsing is, for the last 2 years, another one of my professional children.
In addition, let me tell you that is a child of quarantine.
I won’t dwell on the progress of in this article,
but I will tell you about some people – professionals I have met and admire.

How it all started…

One of the actions of is to cover events they organize or participate in,
companies of professional hairdressing products.
The first event we undertook was the ultimate Fashion Music Project Show.
Madwalk 2021 in collaboration with L’Oréal Professionnel Paris.
A few months ago I had acquired a Canon Camera, being a lover of photography and video shooting.
Until then, I hadn’t had much time to learn how to handle my new camera with ease.
I thought it didn’t matter much since I wouldn’t be doing the main work but a partner,
professional cameraman and videomaker.
Of course I would have it with me, even for practice!

The bell…

Two days before the big event and the baptism of in event coverage,
“ring a bell”!
The partner who was going to do the shooting at Madwalk is sick with Covid!
For starters, my ears were ringing!
Would it be just the two of us now?
And now what?
You guessed right…
Now I’m alone! If you laugh, it’s not funny… If you’re nervous, you don’t know me.
Oh, well, what the hell!
I’ll make it!
I will do everything in my power for the best possible result!

So, without fear, with a lot of passion and a lot of nerve, I took it upon myself to be behind the camera and cover the event!
Now for the camera, don’t ask… I’ll figure it out…

Dive from above…

First, I arrived at the Tae Kwon Do stadium, where the hairdressing teams with professionals of all kinds had taken up positions.
Now I had to render this with shots, so that afterwards, with the editing, a perfect result would come out.
I hadn’t done it before and I can’t hide from you that I did it several times, something I had done before…
My cross!
Around me, apart from hairdressers and make up artists, there were professional photographers and cameramen.
I had to realize very quickly that for that day my profession had nothing to do with hair.
But it had to do with creating… I loved that!
Indeed, if you think about it and look at it in a positive light, I’m not too far out of my depth!
Isn’t it?!
Comfort to the sick!
Let’s go! I have to start somewhere!
The situation required calm and concentration.
So, the first thing I did was to observe how the professionals who had their role for that day were moving.

Let’s begin…

After spending a few minutes observing my surroundings, I set off.
First of all, I made a video in my imagination and started making it.
I have to admit that I got into the mood quite quickly.
I found it very interesting and enjoyable in the way I thought about it.
Consequently, I started to slip between the hair stalls and the other professionals who were there,
with enough comfort.
As for the shots, I’m not telling you anything!
Nice harmonious hands of hairdressers creating masterpieces!
Then models pose and smile!
Sprays and products to apply and deliver unique textures to the hair!
It’s one thing to tell you and another to see it!

Check this

After I had collected some material, I thought I would do a checkup.
First, I had to confirm that the material I collect can be used.
It wasn’t bad, but I wish I could find some details that would fix some things.
Let’s go on and see…

Have a nice day…

Among the photographers who literally had me between their legs were 2 very distinctive guys.
Similar soup and beautiful smiles… human…
Their cameras were an extension of their hands.
One of them even had a very funny (for me) flash on the camera.
It reminded me of an outdoor lamp from my childhood home.
It was a big bulb!
That was Patrick!
And the other one was Antonis!
They are probably friends, or just acquaintances, they talk to each other very often…
And they have certainly understood that we are not really colleagues!

The key point

By close to noon, the backstage was overrun with celebrities and influencers. So there were quite a few notable ones.
So we have surrounded a hairdressing work station that was being prepared by a celebrity.
Just as I was concentrating to take the shot, I feel a gaze across from me stabbing me!
At first, I look up like a wet cat and before I know it, it’s Patrick giving me a quick nod of his head.
Now, this had two interpretations…
Either get out of there, you’re in the way, or come over here…
Thinking positively, I gave priority to the second version and went next to him.
I was a little embarrassed, I can’t hide it from you…
– You have better lighting from here, he said…
Surprise! He didn’t scold me!
– Thank you very much, I muttered and pulled the shot. He was right!

Of course he was right!

After all, he’s a professional, don’t you see?!
Not wanting to abuse his kindness, I quickly took 2-3 useful shots and left for the next workbench.
I stood there and did some work…
I felt someone approaching me but I didn’t pay attention.
It was so crowded! Maybe someone was just behind me.
– If you go further to the right, you’ll get a better angle of view through the mirror… Someone whispered to me.
It was Antonis! I turned around, looked at him, smiled and immediately went to the right… He was right!
There I had a perfect angle of view through the mirror!
Of course he was right!
He’s a professional, don’t you see?!
I took 2-3 shots there too and turned around to thank him.

Let’s introduce ourselves!

So as I turned around, all three of us found ourselves facing each other and spontaneously smiling!
-I am Elizabeth, I said.
-I’m Patrick and Anthony, they also introduced themselves.
– You’re not a professional, are you? They asked me at first…
– I think it’s obvious, I told them and turned my gaze to my camera. I smiled…
– But you love it and it shows! Patrick said.
– Moreover, you have a very nice aesthetic, Antonis said.
– And most importantly, you have perception, Patrick added.
– “We’ve been watching you since morning,” Antonis said as he hung up.
At first, I wasn’t too sure I was hearing right… I was tired, I’m not saying I was tired.

The two men were talking seriously.

-Thank you very much for your kind words and for the help you gave me before.
Yes, I really like it a lot and I hope I can do it because I don’t know the camera functions very well yet.
The two men smiled…
– Come on, what you don’t know from the camera we’ll show you!

Professional photographers

The heavens have opened!

I really couldn’t believe my ears! Really?! I said enthusiastically!
I told them what was troubling me and what I was not achieving.
First of all, what I didn’t like when I wanted to render an image.
Then they explained it to me with patience and examples.
They didn’t leave me alone from then on.
By the evening, by the time we left and whenever I was in their line of sight,
either with words or with a nod they communicated with me.
They asked me if I was okay with what they showed me and if I needed anything else.
However, that was until the evening when we said good night and good rest after too many hours.

Think about it…

It wasn’t easy, but these 2 people made it easier for me!
These two people made it beautiful for me!
Think about it, how many people do you know who would do that?
Look how lucky I am! In one day I met 2!
I wish all professionals were like that…

My story with Patrick and Anthony doesn’t end here…

The next day we had another big event with L’Oréal Professionnel Paris, at the National Opera House,
for professional hairdressers. To Color Your Power!
The biggest hairdressing event of 2021 and as you can see my partner was still with Covid.
I took a deep breath and manned up with what I had learned the day before,
combined with my passion for creativity in everything I do, I started.
After passing through the main entrance of the National Opera House, I started scouting the space to see how I would move through the day.
To my great surprise I met again Antonis and Patrick!
They would have been there too!
Indeed, I did not intend to be a burden to them, nor to baffle them with questions, but… I felt safe!

All three of us were happy to meet again!

After all, it was obvious! The smiles and the greeting were real!
Again, they asked me themselves if I needed any help. Without asking!
They keep an eye on me and don’t leave me alone!
They always have a tip for me and let me know if something interesting is happening in the field and I’ve missed it.
Tell me the truth! Am I not very lucky?! Aren’t they wonderful people and Professionals with a capital “E”?
Since then, I meet my 2 friends at every big L’Oréal Professionnel Paris hairdressing event.

Some of them
AXDW 2021 (fashion week)
AXDW 2022
Madwalk 2022
Hautes Grecians 2022
Color your Power the workshop
Style & Colour Trophy 2022
L’Oréal Pro Artists Audition
and how many more…


Almost 2 years later, I have to admit that I have been to several events and met several professional photographers.
Most of them are very good!
But I’ve also been pushed around because I’m supposedly getting their “click” or getting in the way.
Yes, yes, to push me.
So you can see what I might have seen and why I have singled out Patrick and Anthony.
Being a professional doesn’t just fit into a “click”.
It doesn’t even fit in a photo or a good shot.
It would be good if this story could become food for thought in various professions.

Finally, through this article I would like to thank once again my 2 friends and wish us to meet many more times!
Patrick and Anthony, thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Yours sincerely,


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