Payments for taxpaying businesses have started – When and how to pay the amounts


More than 700,000 businesses and professionals received state loans during the pandemic period,
will pay from the end of July and for the remaining 95 months,
the instalments corresponding to the “clipped” amounts of up to 75% that they have to pay back to the state.

Reimbursable Advance.

Out of the total of 605,530 P.O.D.’s to certify the refundable part of the Refundable Advance,
today will be the certification for 559,753 P.O.W.s,
while 2,406 PAPs are exempted from the obligation to repay the refundable amount as fire victims.
For the remaining 43,371 P.I.D. the attestation will be made in the next few days, after a re-check of their data.

Notices for the payment of the refundable amount will be posted gradually at the time of confirmation,
in the information system of the ADEA myAADE, in the Registry & Contact/e-Notifications,
and an email will be sent to the email address provided by the debtor.
Businesses will be able to view their debts from the reimbursable part of the aid on the myAADE digital portal,
in the selection: “My Account”.

For the convenience of stakeholders, the myBusinessSupport platform of the Hellenic Public Revenue Service will post
on how to calculate the amount to be refunded per Reimbursable Advance.


With a series of amendments to the decisions of the Reimbursable Advance:

-First, the date of payment of the first instalment or alternatively the possibility of paying it in one instalment
with a 15% discount on the refundable amount was therefore changed to July 29, 2022.

-In addition, the instalments for the repayment of the refundable amount of the aid received were increased
in ninety-six (96) equal monthly instalments, which are now interest-free.

-Finally, the repayable part of the aid has been reduced to the following percentages of the aid received,
provided that the terms and conditions provided for in each repayable advance cycle have been complied with:

1. For businesses that have started operations before 1 January 2019,
have not opened a branch between 1 April 2019 and 31 December 2020 and have positive gross income in 2019, in:

-25% of the aid, if the company’s gross revenue for 2020 has decreased by more than 70% compared to 2019 and the company has a loss before tax or

-33,3% of the aid, if the reduction in the gross revenue of the undertaking in 2020 is at least
to 30% and up to 70% compared to 2019 and shows a loss before tax or

-50% of the aid, for all other enterprises.

2. For new businesses that have started operations after 1 January 2019 or for businesses that have opened a branch from 1 April 2019 to 31 December 2020 or have zero gross income in 2019, in:

-25% of the aid, if the reduction in the gross revenue of the enterprise in 2020 exceeds 30%
in relation to the 2019 revenue and the company shows a loss before tax or

-33,3% of the aid, for all other undertakings.

In the case of a one-off refund of the above refundable amount until 29 July 2022,
the amount of the 15 % reduction is in addition to the non-refundable amount of the aid which is tax-free,
while the amount of the refund shall reduce the amount of aid granted, even if the aid has been granted,
either under the Temporary Framework or under the de minimis Regulation is no longer counted towards the cumulation threshold.

Especially for businesses that were demonstrably affected by the fires,
in areas of the Greek territory from 1 May to 2 September 2021, as delimited by the following data
Δ.Α.Ε.Φ.Κ.-Κ.Ε/13758/Α325/20.08.2021 (Β΄3905), Δ.Α.Ε.Φ.Κ.-Κ.Ε/13975/Α325/20.08.2021 (Β΄3898),
D.A.E.F.K.-K.E/13665/A325/17.08.2021 (B΄3863) and D.A.E.F.K.-K.E/11203/A325/09.07.2021 decisions
of the Ministers of Finance, Development and Investment, Interior, Infrastructure and Transport, the refundable amount is not refundable.
In addition, for businesses with a registered office or a branch in the municipalities of Mantoudiou – Limni – Agia Anna and Istria –
Edipsos of the Regional Unit of Evia of the Region of Central Greece,
who were affected by the fire of August 3, 2021, the refundable amount is not refundable.


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