How to make your salon a strong name in the market


It is important for a salon to be a “name in the market” so that it can stand out from the rest.
Your business name represents your identity and largely shapes the opinion of customers.
So here are three tips that will help you build a good name for your salon and
to stand out from the rest!

Determining the uniqueness of the business name

The first and one of the most important steps is to identify the “personality” and the image of your salon.

  • What kind of clientele are you targeting? You have to be very careful in choosing the “ideal” customer.
    By targeting a group of specific customers (based on age, preferences, expectations, etc.) you will make better moves,
    so that you can attract them
  • Where do you want to be?
    You need to choose your prices and the quality of the services you provide, depending on the competition.
  • You need to find a “holding service”!
    Promote the name of your salon, so that there is an identification with a specific service!

Capturing the values and slogan of your salon

To be able to attract the clientele you want, the vision, values and philosophy of the salon must
have clear wording.
This can be done by creating a text describing who you are and what you stand for (mission statement)
or through a slogan.
It is important that these texts are often present in your online communication with your customers.

Create the appropriate atmosphere with the philosophy of the salon

The space should be a continuation of the philosophy and the uniqueness of the business.
Visually it must match the name and logo and the slogan you have chosen (the colours, the decoration, etc.),
to make it memorable.
Customer service procedures must be in harmony with the values and slogan of the salon.

But what is the secret to maintaining the “name” of the business in the long term?

  • Stay committed to consistently reinforcing the salon’s brand for months or even years.
  • Try not to let the standards you have set for running your business gradually decline.
  • Training each new member of the team to follow the rules of operation. Establish a clear protocol.
  • Do frequent evaluations of both your team and whether the salon’s name
    is still one of the best on the market.

In conclusion, with a lot of work, the right advisers and specialists, you can have a healthy,
competitive and profitable beauty business.


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