What is fashion?!
We hear this question frequently in almost all areas, whether it concerns hair, clothes, decoration, products, etc.
One thing is for sure, there is always something in fashion and there are always trends!
The beloved Coco Chanel had said:
“Fashion is not just the dresses we see in every collection .
Fashion exists in the air, on the street, it’s about everyone’s ideas, the way they live and behave. What happens every moment is fashionable“.
Let’s move on to the fashion concept.
Fashion is a wide range of concepts and things that come and go as stylistic propositions.
Initially, we find it in music, films, advertisements, architecture, etc.
Fashion is just everywhere!

So let’s look at a relative categorisation of fashion.
In detail, there are:
Macro trends.
They are the trends that last a long time and affect the largest percentage of people.
Like for example balayage is a trend.
This is a macro trend that has been long lasting and has affected a large percentage of people.
Micro trends.
It is the trend that lasts less time. More specifically, 1 to 2 years. A good percentage of people follow it.
For example, Two Tone Air.
They are the very popular trends that many groups of people enthusiastically follow for a certain period of time.
This is usually a novelty that consumers follow as it becomes popular through social media or peers.
However, people quickly lose interest in it. Its duration is from 1 month to six months.
Costumers trends.
It is the trends that target the new need.
That is, the trend is created to meet the needs of the consumer, based on the given circumstances.
Classic trend
Classic trend is always trend, such as the frame.
It’s about the Trend that travels unchanged in time and maybe differentiated to give the trend of the season.

How the fashion is created…
Indeed, a whole industry is set up and based on it.
Research, listening to the consumer’s need by adapting to new data and changes in the new era.
Of course, what people want is constantly being researched.
So they create fashion and trends based on the needs of the time and the people.
Of course, trends vary depending on the regions.
For this reason, something that is a trend in England may not be in Greece.
Moreover, fashion is influenced and adapted to the socio-political, economic conditions prevailing in each country and each era.
Do you follow the fashion in your hair or your clothes?!
The HairXperts by Ioanna & Sissy are always here to keep you up to date with the new trends and trends! 😉
Until our next article, many kisses!
Yours sincerely,
Ioanna Tziga