Fanis Mastrokostas at the Color Your Power Masterclass by L’Oreal Professionnel Paris


We have a lot more to tell you about the big hairdressing event of Color Your Power Masterclass by L’Oreal Professionnel Paris!

On 22 November the National Opera House was filled with colour!

The joy of the professional hairdressers who attended the hybrid event was great!

Hairdressing News is of course present since it is not missing from the official and important events of the hairdressing industry!

We watched closely the preparation of the Color Your Power Masterclass and chatted with many of our favorite colleagues!

In the corridors of the National Opera House, we met the Honorary President of the Hellenic Haute Coiffure Francaise, Fani Mastrokosta!
Throughout the preparation he was next to Stamatis Karaiskos and Maria Dretaki offering his valuable help.

As I have experienced the fever of preparation first hand I want to say one thing and keep it…
The Haute Coiffure Francaise Greece team is one of the closest artistic teams I have ever met in my life!

Enjoy the unique Fanis Mastrokosta!


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