Everything you need to know about … pre-treatment of hair !!!


Let’s start with what we all know explicitly …

“Better to prevent than to cure”
“Prevention is the best cure”

The same is important to follow the same thing for our hair, if our goal is to make it shine with health.

Is it a product or a way of thinking?

It is a thinking strategy that IS GOOD TO ADOPT, because if we analyze and look at statistics we will notice that people make an identification of the treatment with the problem, once it has been created.
Here it will be important to change the positions and put, I prevent, not cure.

Have you thought about when we do treatments on our hair?

When the need arises.

And the question is… do I apply anti-wrinkle when wrinkles have appeared?

Of course not! I make this association so that you understand that it is good to think about our hair as we think about our skin.

And because each one is different … let’s see which steps are the ones that will ensure the health of our hair !!!

🎯step 1 .

I consult my hair-expert before I do anything to my hair at every change of season and in general, before I do anything to my hair. Every season it is important to visit a specialist to properly renew (if our needs change) the products we use on our hair.

Through the process of diagnosis we will redefine the needs of the hair.
🎯step 2.

I prepare the hair to accept the technique I choose, so as to protect its health.
In collaboration with the hair expert I build a hair care program based on the new data.
🎯step 3 .

Maintenance at home. With our move away from the salon, home continuity is an integral part of maintaining the health of our hair.
Taking care of them, with the right products EVERY DAY, requires following a protocol tailored to the needs of our hair.

Prevent future damage
Often women only visit their hairdresser for a regular haircut or dye.

Is this the ideal time to change that?

You should also visit the salon for additional treatments, such as a

a) treatments with vitamins and amino acids, combined with massage and specific for damaged hair, b) to keep up to date with all the new treatment protocols, innovations and hair trends. In addition, visiting it is a good way to relax, enjoy and get fresh ideas that you can apply at home.

Thehairxpert by ioanna & sissy



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