Christmas season difficult for hairdressers?


The Christmas season is that month that already seems to be crazy busy for many hairdressers
who squeeze in as many customers as they can, work longer hours and take fewer breaks.
But while financial performance can be excellent, your mental and physical health can be shaken.

The Signs of Burnout
Poor time keeping

The first sign that a team member may be experiencing exhaustion and struggling with the pressures of their workload,
is the delay.
If a team member who is usually conscientious and punctual starts arriving for work late and seems upset, there is a chance that he or she is suffering from some level of burnout, either physical, mental, or both.

Lack of motivation

If you notice that the usually enthusiastic members of your team are suddenly unmotivated, this may be
another red flag, in terms of burnout.
Notice if team members get lazy in the way they communicate with customers,
or perhaps they have lost their usual luster.
Also notice if they take longer than usual to complete an appointment.
Any scenario may indicate a loss of enthusiasm for their work,
something that can have a long-term impact on your business.

Loss of concentration

When a team member suffers from exhaustion, their stress levels and anxiety can lead them to overload
constantly his mind from thoughts, leading to a lack of concentration.

How to prevent burnout
Make health and self-care a top priority

It is important to prioritise the mental and physical health of team members over profit.
We have to be ready to give our teams the rest they deserve, even if it means
more pressure on salon owners.
You are the priority.
If you take care of yourself first, then you will be able to take better care of your customers.
If you think you’re tired, then today is the day to put yourself first.

Set professional boundaries

Especially during the hours you work.
Choose how many hours you will work and stick to them, you can’t meet everyone and this will encourage customers
become more organised in the future, which will help you feel organised in your daily life.
Stay away from doing “favours” by entering the salon early or staying late for clients.

Have an open door policy

Team members need to know that it is good to come to you with their concerns.
Listening and communicating with the team is of primary importance.
Make sure they know that your door is always open and that there will be no problem
if they come to you with issues concerning their physical or mental health.
Taking care of each other is the meaning of a real team.
The support of a colleague, a team member can be an antidote to their problems.

Everyone deserves to be happy and it is the job of the owner or manager of the salon to ensure that it has a happy salon.
and satisfied team no matter how busy he is in the salon.
A happy team usually means happy customers, so it makes good business sense,
especially during the Christmas season!


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