Body lice


Body lice or otherwise pubic lice.

I have talked to you in my recent article and I have explained everything about scalp lice,
I have even given you in detail all the necessary advice so that you can make the best prevention, which is the most important.
But we are not finished I have other types of lice, body lice.

What do you know about body lice?

Yes, you read that right, they exist and in our time they are on the rise.
What are body lice (pubic lice)?
They are parasites, insects where they are found in the hairy areas of the pubic, chest, armpits, face (beard),
of the eyelids and eyebrows and around the head.
Generally where there are thick hairs.
They are arthropods that feed on blood.
It is larger in size than the scalp louse.

How is puerperal phlebitis transmitted.

Phthisis pubis is a sexually transmitted disease because its transmission is after body-to-body contact from
someone who is already suffering.
It can also be transmitted by contaminated bedding, towels and even the use of a swimming pool.
It is usually found in young people, mostly men, and in people who change sexual partners frequently.

How does this particular phobiasis manifest itself.

  • Body lice in the genital area cause intense itching.
  • The patient notices the eggs (nits) or even the lice themselves, attached to the hairs mentioned above.
  • Where there are body lice, we distinguish something black around the perimeter where the dirt from the parasites are.


The diagnosis can be made in a dermatological clinic or in a specialized lice treatment center where
will recommend the appropriate treatment.
We have observed in our center in recent years a big outbreak in young children where it is very difficult to treat because it is mainly transferred to the eyelids where it must be treated by an ophthalmologist, perhaps in collaboration with a dermatologist.
and children must necessarily get drunk because the eye spot is extremely dangerous to remove them.


Prevention plays a big and very important role in all of us because body lice can be found in the most unlikely places.
In case someone close to us has a problem, it is advisable to recommend a dermatologist
and avoid contact with him.
Avoid used towels and bed linen, pay close attention to summer loungers,
and definitely a lot of control over the communal showers.
A very good prevention solution is also a total hair removal.
They are often found in barracks, pre-trial detention chambers, long-distance trains, camps and testing facilities.

The important and alarming thing is that in2022 there is quite a large outbreak of body lice, and the bad thing is that the lice are very bad
that there is hardly any information or information about the problem from anyone and this has increased the cases.
We had at least 50 calls this year at our center regarding body lice
and that has us quite concerned.

So be very careful…

Yours sincerely,
Elizabeth Makri.


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