Blond hair, I dare?


Blonde of ice, sun, butter, what do you prefer?

Behind almost every famous blonde is a skilled hair colorist, who knows how to adjust the specific shade of the hair
that suits each one according to her type, her skin and her style.
Once blonde always blonde.
When you decide that you want blonde hair, know that it’s hard to change it.
The most difficult cases I have encountered in my 23 years of experience are the changes from dark dyed to blonde.
In today’s article I will tell you some tips that budding blondes should take into consideration before,
during and after a major color change.

The tone of your skin

The best way to choose the right shade of blonde is to discuss it with your hairdresser.
Bringing photos with blonde hair is an excellent starting point, because you will help your hairdresser a lot
to understand roughly what you are asking.
But the perfect blonde in the photo may not fit your tones or may not be possible to make in your own
case, at least on the first visit.
Finding the blonde that suits you is not always easy.
The colour of your skin, the colour of your eyes,
but also your natural hair color, play a very important role in the final shade of blonde that suits you perfectly.

Your haircut

If long hair is your style and you don’t want to cut it often I would recommend you to start
with highlights or with a balayage where you don’t have to renew your colour every month and the
the discomfort of your scalp will be less.
Bold colors like white are ideal for short hair such as pixie cuts or severe frames.

Your lifestyle and the buget you have

Your hairdresser must inform you of the cost of each hair treatment technique,
as well as how often you should visit the salon, so that it knows where it can reach you colour-wise.
The perfect blonde is demanding and quite costly as a technique.
At the same time, you should know that it has quite a lot of care at home with specialized care and moisturizing products,
so that you can keep it in perfect condition until your next visit.
Let me emphasize that hair that has been detangled is more porous, so you should be aware that you may need more frequent
reflexes or gloss because they will lose their tone quickly.
Protection treatments are essential and since technology has advanced so much to protect your scalp
I now take it for granted that it should be the hairdresser’s main tool.

Changing your hair colour means that you may have to change your wardrobe and even your make-up.
As for your eyebrows, you should discuss whether you should open them too.

Give your hairdresser at least 6 months to a year if you want a big color change.
The transition from dark to blonde should be done with great care and ideally in several visits,
so that the health of the hair is the priority.

I hope the article helped you so that when you want to have a blonde hair you know that your hairdresser will be able to help you
is the only one who will give you the right advice.

Yours sincerely,
Elizabeth Makri


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