Balayage without decapage !

Balayage without decapage
Balayage without decapage, is the technique that every woman dreams of!

You want your hair to be lighter, brighter with balayage or highlights but without it!
You don’t want it and I know it!
You hear it and you shudder!
Of course, you also want Balayage without decapage!
You even want it on your dyed hair!
But when I explain to you that it can’t be done, you give me a hard time!

You ask me in the comments under the videos, you ask me in private messages,
ask me in the street, in the café, on the beach and wherever you find me!

How do I make my hair lighter without a decapage?

First of all, in this episode “Beauty Blender” we’re going to put things in order!
We will analyze the terms and conditions that your hair must meet in order to get Balayage without decapage!
As always, with photos of natural hair for examples!

The examples you will see are mainly in the tone of 5 and 6.
Which are the 2 most common natural colours here in Greece.
That’s why I focused mainly on those 2 tons.

Also, in today’s episode we will learn something very important!

So, you need to know it for sure, for your next visits to the salon.
This way, there will be no misunderstandings and you will be ready to listen to the process.
If the desired result requires the use of a decapage, then you should choose the professional you trust to start with and then take care of your hair at home,
with the right quality products, which will be suggested by the professional, depending on the needs of your hair.

But let’s take a closer look at what Balayage without decapage means and any questions you may have,
you can send me a message on social!
Or write it to me in the comments! Anywhere you feel free!

Thank you so much for being with us and being so active!
It is not a given and we are glad it is happening!

Write me in the comments what’s bothering you with your hair and I’ll make a video to help you!

Yours sincerely,
Elizabeth Delandria

Where else can you find me?


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