Activate your metabolism, lose weight… within 24 hours!


The heat has set in and we are wearing less clothing, which leaves more of our naked bodies exposed. And there would be no problem with that, if our body was exactly what we wanted. Now that it isn’t?

Dieting in the summer is hard to do, because if anything there’s ice cream, milkshakes and dozens of sugar-filled cocktails. The whole situation becomes more difficult if you have people next to you who do not gain weight easily. Your sister, your husband, your best friend can eat whatever they want and they are obviously a few pounds lighter than you. Do you know why? It’s all to do with your basal metabolic rate, which is your body’s way of converting the food you eat into energy.

The Basal Metabolic Rate is calculated by taking into account

Genetics (some people are born with a faster metabolism and some with a slower metabolism),
Gender (men have more muscle mass and a lower percentage of body fat, resulting in a higher basal metabolic rate than women),
Age (BMR decreases with age, with a 2 % drop per decade after the age of 20)
Weight (the heavier someone is, the higher their BMR)
Body surface area, (a tall, thin person has a higher BMR compared to a shorter person of the same weight)
Your body fat percentage (the lower your body fat percentage, the higher your BMR)
Diet (restrictive low-calorie weight loss diets can cause a reduction in your BMR of up to 20%)
Body temperature (for every 0.5°C increase in internal body temperature, BMR increases by 7 %)
The outside temperature, (cold temperature causes an increase in BMR, as does heat (high temperature)

Gland (thyroxine, the main hormone that regulates BMR, speeds up the body’s metabolic activity. The more thyroxine produced, the higher the BMR)

Exercise (and of course last we left out physical exercise which of course helps increase BMR by building extra lean tissue)

Based on all of this and if you really want to boost your metabolism to increase your burn rate and lose weight more easily….follow the 24-hour program below.

Wake up in the morning and drink a cup of green tea, which contains catechins and powerful antioxidants that increase the metabolic rate and stimulate the release of stored fat. According to a 2007 Japanese study, drinking green tea for 12 weeks leads to a significant reduction in body fat levels and waist circumference. Specifically, in an experiment they conducted and published in the American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition, they found that when 3 groups of people were given a caffeine supplement and a placebo for 12 weeks, the first one increased their daily calorie burn by 80 calories and reduced body fat, while the other two did not even lead to an increase in daily calorie burn.

Before you leave for work, eat a balanced breakfast to kick-start your sleeping metabolism, giving it energy to burn calories during the day. Make sure, without worrying, that your breakfast includes carbohydrates and protein.
There is a saying that “in the morning eat like a king, at noon like a prince and at night like a beggar”. You’ll find if you stick to it that it works. Remember the Harvard Medical School study, which confirms that people who skip breakfast are four times more likely to be obese.

It’s time to go to work. Why don’t you walk over there? If you can mileage-wise, try it. Gentle exercise, walking or cycling after breakfast can burn calories much more easily. After exercise your metabolic rate increases for several hours, depending on the type of exercise. The time varies, from two hours after aerobic exercise to six hours after resistance exercise.

Relaxed, without being in traffic, you’re at your desk. Instead of taking the elevator, take the stairs. If you are on the second floor, run up to the first floor, take a break, take a deep breath and run up to the second floor. According to a study by the University of New South Wales in Australia, long intervals of intense exercise, with breaks, are better, in terms of fat burning, than a slow, steady walk.

At eleven o’clock, have a snack. Small regular meals increase calorie-burning.
Your metabolism is boosted by 10% for two to three hours after you eat. Plan three small meals and two or three healthy snacks, spread evenly throughout the day. Don’t skip meals and don’t let more than 5 hours pass without putting something in your mouth.

At lunch, opt for a protein salad and lean yogurt for a more efficient increase in metabolic rate. It is a good idea to include 3 servings of lean protein such as poultry, fish, egg, beans, lentils, etc. According to research from the University of Tennessee, low-fat dairy products, such as yoghurt and milk, can speed up your metabolism and help you burn body fat faster.

You commented go to the gym. You can schedule this and do it twice a week. This way you will increase your fat burning, even when you sleep. Many of us don’t have time for exercise, so we need to do some effective exercise.
Exercises that work many muscle groups, you should know that they have a greater effect on the metabolic rate. Prefer squats, bar lifts off the floor, projections, bent-over rowing, standing rowing, push-ups and shoulder presses. He also chose resistance exercise. Research says that the more intense the sets you do, the more your metabolism increases. Specifically, your metabolism can be 13% higher 3 hours after a 50-set, 100-minute program and remain above normal even 15 hours later.

See eat after exercise and long before bedtime. If you go to bed at 11, your dinner should be before 8. Because your metabolic rate is faster after exercise, it is advisable to eat something immediately to convert calories from food to energy.
Burn fat by eating 10 foods!


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