Monday, September 16, 2024

World Food Day: Is there a solution to obesity?

The UN, at its October 1980 conference, designated 16 October as World Food Day. The aim was to strengthen the fight against hunger and raise awareness at global level about malnutrition, poverty and food and agricultural development.

Coming to today, in developing countries, there is still a huge problem with the poverty of the people, while millions of people are threatened daily by hunger and dangerous sanitary conditions. In contrast, in the Western world, obesity rates are a cause for concern and are now a health threat. Two diametrically opposed images that create the need for man to be concerned with food and nutrition.

Greece has high rates of obesity in adults, adolescents and children. The chaotic daily life, financial difficulties, lack of personal time and time to spend with food and the lack of nutritional education of children from the family environment and classrooms, have led a large number of people to overall “bad” food choices and excesses, which in combination with sedentary life, loneliness, pressure and psychological changes lead to obesity, explains Mr. Eumenes P. Karafyllidis, Clinical Dietitian – Nutritionist Director of the Dietary Department of Metropolitan General.

So the problem of obesity is multifactorial. Complicated and complex method of treatment and approach to reducing and maintaining a healthy weight. The first concern is to identify and manage the cause that contributes to weight gain. Then, the design of personalised nutritional programmes suitable for balanced loss.

Because we are not only what we eat, but also what we think and do, it is necessary to achieve a balance in mind, soul and body, which aims at nutritional self-awareness and the adoption of healthy eating habits. The science of nutrition with the interaction of macro and micro nutrients achieves this. In any case, health is not only the absence of disease and nutrition is essential at every step of the human being to achieve balance in general.

Don’t underestimate the influence of diet on your overall health. On the occasion of World Food Day, give yourself a gift, starting with improving your eating habits and adopting a healthy weight.


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