Employee management

Employee management

The five basic job needs of salon workers.

It has been shown that employee management in the salon is influenced by five specific needs
productivity and work behaviour.
These are: prestige, security, autonomy, participation and justice.
If one of the above needs is not fulfilled at work, then we enter a “threat situation”
and our efficiency is at stake.

Prestige is the feeling that we are appreciated by others around us and that we are considered important.
Security is about the ability to predict the future.
Autonomy gives us a sense of control over events.
Participation, then, gives us the satisfaction of belonging to a team.
And fairness is the concept we have of fair dealings between people.

These five needs trigger the brain to perceive the “primary reward” or “primary threat”.
For example, when our prestige is threatened, the same brain mechanisms are activated as when our lives are threatened.
Similarly, the brain perceives justice as well as monetary reward.


Prestige is one of the work needs that can be as easily enhanced as threatened.
The threat usually arises from actions of evaluating our work by others.
This is why employee evaluation is such a complex process.


The importance of safety is extremely important in managing salon workers.
When we act with enough certainty, our brain finds patterns, successfully predicts next steps
and works more efficiently.
On the contrary, when we do not have the necessary security and cannot predict what will happen in the future,
so our brain needs to use a lot more resources to respond.


Under exactly the same circumstances, the more autonomous we feel, the greater our resistance to stress,
and the less autonomous we feel, the more stress we experience.

Two aspects of autonomy worth noting are:

First, autonomy and security are interlinked.
The more autonomy there is, the more security is created for the future.

Secondly, it is also directly linked to prestige, as even a little autonomy helps to increase self-esteem.


The management of employees in the salon depends a lot on social ties.
When we feel part of a group, the brain starts to secrete a hormone called oxytocin.
This hormone, which has been linked to affection, mothering and generosity, disarms the “threat state”
and activates neurons that allow us to perceive others “as ourselves”.

Thus, at an interpersonal level, it is important that employees interact with each other in as similar ways as possible,
in order to strengthen social connections and reinforce group bonding.


When we perceive that something is unfair, a strong response is created in the brain,
that provokes hostility and undermines trust.
At work, injustice prevents the development of trust and cooperation.
Injustices put the brain in “threat mode” and activate part of it,
associated with strong emotions, such as that of disgust!

The sense of justice is very much linked to prestige and therefore poses a very big problem,
in the management of a salon’s employees.

Developing productivity by fulfilling work needs.

Although labour is an economic transaction, in which people exchange labour for economic compensation,
the brain therefore perceives the workplace as a “social” interaction.

Finally, leaders who understand this dynamic can more effectively harness the talents of their employees,
support team collaboration and create an environment that promotes growth and productivity.

For more information in relation to basic work needs and team productivity development,
through their fulfillment contact us here.


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