Do you often have a headache? Find out why and stop him!!!!


Little, long hours at the computer, on the TV, on the phone, lack of sleep, stress, work… most of us have headaches, some of us have headaches from time to time, some often and some more often!!!!

Surely those who have frequent headaches have found that headaches are not just a form of headache, but there are several forms.

Tension headache: Tension headache is the most common form of headache and is a diffuse, mild to moderate headache, described as a strong pressure around the head.

Migraines: They are usually hereditary, so if there is a family history of them, unfortunately you cannot avoid them. Usually the pain is felt on one side of the head and varies from moderate to very strong. They can last from 4 to 72 hours and suspend any daily activity. Some people experience nausea, a tendency to vomit and sensitivity to light.

Cumulative headache: It’s one of the most painful headaches and I hope you don’t get it.
Its main characteristic is that it has an exacerbation during certain periods of time, which can last for weeks. It is from this fact (that it is accumulated over time) that it gets its name.

Hormonal headache: Female sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone) and a woman’s reproductive cycle are associated with the onset of hormonal headaches. The symptoms of hormonal headaches are similar to those of migraine headaches. The difference is that a hormonal headache usually affects only one side of the head and is usually rhythmic.

Unless the problem is extremely serious and chronic (i.e., you have to worry about it for more than 15 days a month), there are easy solutions to feel better immediately. If the problem persists, simply make an appointment with your doctor for the appropriate medication, most likely a prescription.

Simple tips against headache

Α) Depending on the type of headache you have, you can handle and solve it with correct temperature… hot or cold. In particular, if you have a migraine, place a cold compress on your forehead for 15 minutes, ice cubes wrapped in a towel or a bag of frozen vegetables. Take a break for a while and try again for another 15 minutes. A cold shower is also a good solution. Now if your headache, is the classic tension headache, place a heating pad on your neck or the back of your head. If you have a headache from sinus congestion, hold a warm cloth over the area that hurts, or take a hot shower.

B) Say no to the tight braid.

Something we don’t think much about, but it’s true, is the headache that can be caused by the beautiful ponytail you may have as a hairstyle all day. This type of headache can also be caused by a tight hat, or any accessory that puts pressure on your head. According to research, women who loosen their hair and let it fall freely don’t get headaches as often.

C) Love the darkness

The question of yellow or white lighting is valid. There is the right lighting, to make it easier to see… depending on the time, the place and what we want to see. In particular, bright light, or flickering light, or even light from a computer screen, can give us migraines. That’s why it’s all about how many hours you work in front of a computer. Make sure to cover the windows with special blackout curtains so that you don’t get dizzy from the combination of indoor and outdoor natural light. And if you’re going out anyway, wear your sunglasses.

D ) If you have the habit of chewing gum for many hours… reduce it. Η Chewing gum can hurt not only your teeth and jaw, but and your head. The same applies if you have a bad habit of biting your nails, or objects such as pens. If you grind your teeth at night, ask your dentist for a denture. This can reduce the headache you often feel when you wake up in the morning.

Q) Massaging your head can relieve headaches.
By putting pressure on the back of the neck, at the base of the skull, you will find that magically, your pain is reduced.

G) “Test” certain foods, noting if eating any of them makes your head hurt afterwards. Unfortunately dairy products, chocolate, peanut butter, peanut butter, onions, nitrite-containing meats such as bacon and sausages, red wine, pickles and some fruits such as avocados, bananas and citrus fruits can cause or worsen your headache.

In cases where none of this works for you… you can take an analgesic medicine, perhaps in liquid or effervescent form, which is absorbed more quickly by your body.


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