Do you know how to walk in heels?


Heeled shoes, yes, they make a difference in the style of your clothes and the way your body looks. I guess we all like them. It’s not just about wearing them, it’s about knowing how to walk in them.

Why do I say that? Have you ever seen someone walking down the street in heels and shaking like they’re going to fall over any minute? We don’t want that. We want to wear heels and attract positive looks and not be beautiful only sitting down and when we stand up we are made fun of!!

If you are like me, who whenever you put on your heels, they sing to you, “out comes the boat, out comes the fisherman’s boat”, then keep reading this text…

It helped me. If anything I’m walking in a straight line!!!!

5 tips

1. Forget that you walk in your low sandals and say “now I walk in my heels”.
If you think about it, your approach to the issue will be different and that’s what we want.
First you press the heel and then the whole foot and toes. This way you get a better balance.

2. Don’t forget, you’re not wearing sneakers, so you can’t run. It is good and helpful to take small steps and you will reach your destination. Don’t worry. Better late than never, as the saying goes.

3. The main problem with wearing heels, apart from the fact that you are off balance and swinging, is that if you get tired you might start to lean forward. Imagine you, dressed in your most amazing dress and your high expensive heels and going zig zagging and hunched over… I’m sure you don’t want that. So try to keep your body in balance, (resistance) a little bit backwards when your high shoes make it difficult for you.

4. When you were little, did you happen to try, balance, walk, with open hands, slowly, slowly on stretched ropes or at least on lanes, marks on the road? If so, that’s almost what you should do now. Don’t open your arms for balance, just keep your eyes on your target destination and don’t look at your shoes. Eyes up and not on the ground.

5. And now for the hardest part in terms of balancing you. Try putting pressure on the inside of your feet to balance yourself. With small steps as mentioned above, balance slightly backwards and feet in motion, slightly pushing inwards… you will walk correctly.

How difficult is all this? A habit is the whole point. At most, after enough effort to realize that it’s not worth it to wear heels and go back to your low-heeled sandals and sneakers.


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