Criticism or evaluation


Criticism or evaluation is the Judge for all and sundry?

If one day in our lives we decide to become observers of our thoughts, the conclusions will surprise us and surprise us greatly.
How much time we spend judging others and ourselves.
Criticism and evaluation has entered our lives very strongly and we need to know how to deal with it.
We wake up… “OH! I’m a mess today, how can I be like this, but everything is expected of me, this situation is unbearable, etc.”
On the street, at work, at home, in every activity, meeting, socializing.
So this little voice inside us has no other job than to judge everyone and everything without exception.
Common Judge.

We criticize and criticize all the time, and usually this criticism is mostly negative.
There is this judge in us who every moment announces his verdict.
When it comes to ourselves, we are filled with guilt, bitterness for our mistakes, present and past, for what we do,
about what we don’t do, our faults, our reactions, our thoughts, our disadvantages.

At any given moment the little voice inside us judges our surroundings, known and unknown, with the same severity.
Our life can seem like a never-ending courtroom.
As if that wasn’t enough, we take the next step.
Not only do we judge, but we also compare ourselves with others, which inevitably leads us to tremble for judgments
and other people’s criticisms of us.

What are our needs?

Our need for the demands of our own crises and the crises of others exerts on us
a constant pressure that tires us, creates stress and has a negative impact on our quality of life.
So it is worth taking some time out of our lives to honestly answer some questions.
Let us observe how these criticisms affect us on an emotional and physical level.

Why do we judge?

The answer is simple.
We judge because that’s how we learned.
Because everyone has the judge in them somewhere.
From the earliest stages of our lives we hear criticism from our environment.
It is the way adults think it is right to grow up.
If I treat a man as he is I degrade him, if I treat him as he is capable of becoming I elevate him, advises the German writer Goethe.
A small self-help tip is to think about what or who we are judging.
Behaviors, actions, reactions, or is it the person acting?
Any criticism we receive will make us realise how unfair and pointless it is in itself and will help us
to gradually rid ourselves of this uncomfortable and ugly habit.

The well-meaning and loving and well-meaning observation can take the place of criticism
and the response, giving us peace of mind and security.
Every time you enter the process of criticism,
you stop and immediately dismiss the thought or phrase you are about to utter.
Our aim is not to reach a kind of neutral state, where there is no self-criticism at all.
Our aim should therefore be to replace self-criticism and the negative emotions that accompany it
with the ability to accept, to love more and more ourselves, others, reality and life!!!!

Yours sincerely,
Elizabeth Makri.


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