Clean sheets: When should you change them?


You are sleeping and you don’t know what is sleeping next to you silently, odorlessly and without being able to see it. Have you ever wondered why you wake up with breathing problems? With redness? Pimples? Allergies? Asthma? Itchy?

Maybe because there’s something else hiding on your sheets and pillowcases, like dust mites, bacteria, pet hair, germs, sweat, saliva…. Etc.

You should change your sheets regularly! But what is it regularly for dermatologists and allergists specialists? And how often do good housewives change their sheets?

What determines how often you should change your sheets?

How often you need to change your sheets has to do with whether you sleep in the same pyjamas every day, whether you wear clothes that you may wear all day long even outside the house, whether you sleep naked, whether you eat in bed, so there may be food leftovers.

If you sleep with your kids, if you sleep with your husband, your boyfriend, your boyfriend, your dog, your kitten, your bunny… if you sleep quietly, if you toss and turn, if you sweat… if you sweat… if and if.

One piece of advice I will give you is to leave your bed slightly unmade for a while to let it air out before you trap the germs and moisture again, in a well-made bed.

According to allergists a the right amount of time to change your sheets is at least once a a week and your pillowcases even more often, as often as twice a week.

A specific survey conducted by the medical department of the University of London, showed that 40% change their bed sheets once a week, 36% change them every 15 days, 17% once a month and 1% once a year!!!

When do you change your sheets? I hope you were surveyed in the aforementioned survey, you were at 40%!!!!


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