Characteristics of smart people. Is that you?


Think about your life, your choices, your habits, your interests, your world… Are you considered smart? Some will say yes, some may say no.

Read according to research, the eleven characteristics of smart people and do some self-awareness. Do you even have any of these traits?

According to a survey by the American question and answer website Quora, the characteristics of very smart people are specific. 100 people were asked and their answers were common with what scientists say!!!

Read below and see if you have at least some of these characteristics.

1. Humour. If you have it, you’re lucky. Apart from charm, it also shows intelligence. In particular, recent research has shown that especially the caustic black humor is thought to be the creation of a more complex brain process. So it is a characteristic of a higher IQ. Also, according to the same study, people who wrote the funniest cartoon captions had higher scores on the verbal intelligence measure.

2. They are very adaptable. An intelligent person can adapt to different environments and communicate with several different styles of people. As science proves, a smart person can operate under unprecedented circumstances and face difficulties they encounter for the first time, trying to change the facts to suit them.

3.They are not afraid to say I don’t know. Intelligent people admit that they may not know a subject, are not afraid to say “I don’t know that” and run to find out and learn whatever they don’t know. People with a high IQ tend to underestimate their skills and knowledge and believe that their performance is not good, at least before they know the results. The less intelligent a person is, the more he overestimates his cognitive abilities.

4. Passionately curious. They want to know everything. Albert Einstein once said that “I have no special talent, I am just passionately curious.” How true can that be? A study published in 2016 suggests that there is a link between our childhood intelligence and how open we are to new experiences throughout our lives. Do we have spiritual curiosity?

5. My friend is myself. This feature may or may not be a good thing. Smart people love to hang out with themselves, spending a lot of time in solitude. They prefer to be alone rather than interact with friends and acquaintances.

6. Self-control. In a 2009 study, it was found that there is a link between intelligence and self-control. Specifically, an intelligent person examines his wants with logic, thinks about the consequences of his actions, reflects on the pros and cons of his actions and finally makes his decision.

7. Evocative. The psychologist Adam Grant argues that procrastination is the secret of innovation, and Steve Jobs fully embraced this. Someone who is particularly clever, procrastinates in his daily life and in a more bizarre and unconventional way does much more important things at the same time.

8. Yes to new experiences. Are you a smart man? If so, it means that you are willing to look for things, to learn, to understand, to accept and to think about new and different ideas, experiences and opinions.

9. Empathy. A characteristic that nowadays tends to disappear. Psychologists argue that empathy, being attuned to the needs and feelings of others, is the key component of emotional intelligence. Emotionally intelligent people show great interest in talking to new people and learning as much as they can about them.

10. Creativity and linking different data. If you always choose to make odd combinations and even when you speak you jump from topic to topic by connecting one word, a whole conversation. then you’re smart, since such connections are the hallmark of creativity and intelligence.

11. They look for the meaning behind the words. The clever ones keep their minds busy trying to find answers to important questions, philosophical, social, scientific, such as. the universe, the meaning of life, the meaning for the existence of everything out there. Seeing many different perspectives, they can and are aware and ready for anything.


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