Can the Beauty Services Industry prove that face-to-face communication is a valuable human need?

beauty services
Experience of visiting beauty service areas

In this article in Hairdressing News we will see how even if it is impossible to book a zoom appointment for a haircut
or do your nails via email, visits to the hairdresser and beauty shops,
remains a unique experience for customers.

New trend

Industry professionals have been hit hard by this new trend, seeing more and more of their clients
prefer to choose home service solutions rather than visiting the shop.

There is a lot of scepticism about how consumer behaviour will evolve,
after the pandemic had fully receded.

Will they return to the salon or get used to grooming themselves at home?

For owners of businesses in the beauty services sector, there is no question of adjustment
to new technological services or work from home!
They have to fight for their customers and the financial survival of their shops.

Will the social interaction and sense of sociability offered by a visit to a shop belonging to the beauty services industry become a valuable and hard-to-find consumer need in the future?

Our brain handles our memories that have to do with our social life compared to our memories that have nothing to do with our social life in a completely different way.

Information and memories about our relationships with other people take priority and are easier to process. When an experience results from social interaction it tends to create emotions and this process also leads to the secretion of hormones.

What’s fascinating is that there is a default operating network in our brain.

In other words, when we leave our brain at rest there is a network of neurons that seem to activate automatically.
This is about our sociality and is another proof of the value of our social life.
Areas of the brain that manage our social relationships are alert before we even realize it.
While, much of our brain processing prioritises understanding social experiences.
And the latter is something that those who visit beauty services seek.

So, if in the future most professions switch to online communication and service,
then we could assume that the beauty services industry will be recognised in the future as offering valuable
and now rare social interaction services!

Would you like to learn more about how to effectively customize your beauty service business?
to the new realities of our time?
Contact us!
Don’t forget to read our article on the Organization and Management of the Hair Salon.


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