But who is this Calliope?


But who is this Calliope?

Kalliopi is a multi-dimensional personality, one might say. And she’d say it just fine, truth be told.

It is special and unique like the whole world (modest).

Let’s talk about it now without the you and yours.

Apart from the fact that I am Calliope and I am apparently well (those very close to me cannot guarantee it), I am here with you to talk about everything.

I have the honour to host this internet forum in order to share our concerns, our worries and our successes.

For those who don’t know me, it’s clear from what you can see that I deal with hair [okay, not in the term “heard” but literally and I even take it very seriously …just for fun! (crazy..) ] the results of which you can see in detail here :

https://www.facebook.com/kalliopeveniou with many photos and videos as well as

Here: http://www.kalliopeveniou.gr

but also here: http://www.instagram.com/kalliopeveniou_beautyhall

here: http://www.pinterest.com/kalliopeveniou_beautyhall and finally here:http://www.linkedin.com/in/kalliopeveniou-beutyhall

because Calliope is omnipresent and she keeps up with everything!

In the last few years up to about 5-6 years now, observing the need for more knowledge, I am involved in the training of colleagues, either students or hairdressers and through this incredible experience I am getting better every day.

As unbelievable as it sounds, the organization, the writing, the writing, the recording, the plan, the transmission of knowledge as well as the questions and concerns help me and develop me as a professional and as a person!

Together we will share what concerns hair and what concerns ourselves because as humans we constantly seek evolution, self-improvement and acceptance through our demanding daily life.

We will search with our positive thinking weapon to find all those hidden positive messages, all those small-big miracles.

We will share texts and especially thoughts that will inspire us and make us reflect creatively! Thank you for being here with me !

Know that your aura is always on my mind!


Calliope Veniou


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