Botox hair. What is it? – Hair and style tips

hair botox
hair botox

Botox hair.

There is no facial botox only!
Technology, along with hairdressing companies have also made their revolution!
So, the botox hair treatment came to us.
But of course, you may wonder what it does.

The answer is simple!
Botox is a reconstructive treatment that aims to restore damaged hair to its original form.
From any damage caused by dyes and styling.
In the case where there have been many colour changes in a very short period of time.

The wrong use we make of the hair with the hair dryer, but also the wrong products that go into the hair (usually the wrong way and too much product).

Also, another cause is the wear and tear of time due to age and change in hair quality.

But what exactly does it do?

KYANA‘s botox ampoules, for hair care and protection after technical operations such as dyeing, perming and discoloration. They contain a specially formulated active fruit concentrate, rich in vitamins, fruit acids, trace elements and sugars. Combined with softening agents, it offers unparalleled softness, health and shine to the hair.
Ideal cases where the result is immediately visible are in dry and damaged hair.

Botox hair

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