Actually, I have my black ones!


Actually, I have my black ones!

Were you intrigued by the title?

Is it something you’ve been feeling lately and you said I’d find comfort?

Good for you!

Make some coffee, pour a drink, grab a kebab afterwards and sit down to talk.

You are not a robot as a very good friend of mine says!

It’s the phrase I need the truth is to feel better.
To get rid of the guilt that eats at me because there are times when I lose my energy.

I feel guilty when I don’t feel good, when emotions I can ‘t control surface.

I feel guilty when I allow events that happen in my environment to make me feel bad and create negative thoughts.

You’re a multi-tool, yes! But you’re not a robot!


Everything is feelings and everything is allowed!

Up to a point!

Yes, there is anger and sadness and denial and negative thoughts!
Also any other emotion that makes you feel frustrated, angry or cry.

You’re not a robot!


All this is allowed in small doses and outside your workplace.

Once you put the key in the door of your shop, your office, your classroom, your work in general, you forget everything!

You have to forget about them!

You owe it to your colleagues, your clients, your students…
As soon as you get one step closer to the place you are working, grit your teeth!
Roll your saucy little eye, stretch your lovely little lips, show your white teeth (Not to bite anyone) and smile!

Try it, bring my words to your mind and notice how much that forced smile really does lift your spirits.

And you know why?
Because you’ll think “Oh my God, how crazy-ass I am” and you’ll definitely laugh! Loud!!!!

So when you are basically in your blacks, that is from 1 to 3 on the chromatogram, don’t bring it to work.

It will help a lot not to say…” I have my blacks”

It won’t help you to communicate properly with your clients, but it won’t help you to create either!

We all have our blacks.

It’s up to you to make them white…

With a little tide , which in our life is what makes you feel better (friends, a walk, shopping therapy, profiteroles in need…) everything seems better!

Accept your feelings, (they are yours and you love them) and move on!

You and your customers deserve it !

Calliope Veniou



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