Smoke due to fire. Attention says the EODY!!


Even if you are not in the fire-affected areas, but you are close by, the air is not clean because of the smoke and smog created by the fires.

The EODY has announced instructions to protect ourselves from the intense smoke and particulate matter from burnt trees, plants, building materials, plastics, dead animals, etc… a mixture of gases that can even reach your area.

In the context of public health protection, the EODY recommends the following measures to avoid smoke inhalation in case of fire:

* In case of conditions that favour intense exposure to smoke, it is recommended to leave the area, if possible, for as long as the phenomenon remains intense.

*If removal from the area is not possible, stay indoors as much as possible and keep indoor air as clean as possible by following these recommendations:Keep windows and doors closed, and use air conditioning that has indoor air recirculation and well-maintained filters.

*Avoid smoking indoors.

*Avoid using a vacuum cleaner (electric or conventional).

*In the absence of smoke from outside, ventilate the interiors for air renewal by opening the windows.

*Avoid outdoor activities as long as there is smoke.

*Avoid physical stress.

*Consume plenty of drinking water and fluids, especially during periods of heavy smoke.

*If you develop respiratory or cardiovascular symptoms that may be related to excessive exposure to tobacco smoke, such as persistent coughing, difficulty and/or wheezing in breathing, tightness or pain in the chest, tachycardia, nausea, unusual fatigue or dizziness, seek medical attention immediately.

Vulnerable groups : Advice from the Athens Medical Association.

According to the President of the Athens Medical Association, Mr. Γ. Patouli, the smoke from fires cannot cause disease, but it certainly complicates and creates a problem in the respiratory system, especially for the elderly, vulnerable groups, pregnant women and young children. People with asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and heart disease.

Attention especially people in vulnerable groups, if they experience any of the following symptoms, call their personal doctor immediately.

Coughing, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, asthma attack, stinging eyes, burning in the throat, runny nose, headaches, fatigue, chest pain and tachycardia.


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