How can we increase customer loyalty in the salon?


In this article at we will look at a topic that has been of concern and
is a daily concern for all salon owners.
And that is none other than the loyal customer.
A loyal customer, then, is one who remembers his or her experience in the salon positively.
Let’s look at it in detail below.

The answer to this question is long-term memory.

In other words, any customer to repeat the visit must remember it!
So to have a loyal customer, the only thing you need to achieve it,
is that your customer remembers his visit positively and wants to repeat it.

The problem is that not all the information we receive is stored in our long-term memory.

Whatever events of our life are not stored in long-term memory, then after about half an hour, we will have forgotten them.
Memory is like a time machine and influences our future behaviour based on past experiences and what we remember.

Every day we are exposed to thousands of different experiences and information.

Do we register them all in our long-term memory?
No, of course not. And it makes sense.
If I almost get hit by a car when I’m walking, I’ll remember it.
Also, if someone stops me on the street to offer me a rose, I will still remember it.
Generally, when I see something that intrigues me, I remember it as a “faithful” memory.

Memory did not evolve to remember an advertisement!

It evolved so that information that our brain thinks is important to us can be stored more intensely. So if a particular experience leads me to store it in my long-term memory, it means that it was important to me.

It is scientifically proven that an event in our lives is stored more strongly in our memory
when accompanied by a emotion .
It could be joy, anger, fear, curiosity, surprise, a sense of commitment, jealousy, etc.
It is the feeling that “locks” the experience in the long-term memory and that creates the loyal customer.

For professional guidance and training on practical ways to improve customer loyalty in your salon or beauty shop, contact us.
Don’t forget to read our article on the Organization and Management of the Hair Salon.


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