The rainbow look is the trend!


The rainbow look is for you who is daring and loves experimenting with your hair!
With a few simple steps, you can create the ultimate rainbow look for your hair.

We all know that when it comes to creating optimal hair color, a healthy and clean base is key.
How does this happen?
But with the following steps of course!

Step 1

Open the hair to the tone of 9-10 for the perfect vibrant pastel effect. (Ideally to the tune of 10)
***The use of a decoupage is necessary in this step.
So, if you’re not a professional, don’t try it yourself at home. Trust an expert.

Step 2

Preparation with pretoner for cleaning the tuna, in order to obtain the desired colour.
(In the perfect base that welcomes the rainbow look, it is good that there are no unwanted yellow shades)

Step 3

Take thin horizontal sections in the hair.
Use a foil or meche to paint your rainbow (The rainbow look) directly on the hair.
Tension is the key to accurate placement!

Step 4

Be very careful here because this tip will get you out of trouble!
You don’t need seven coloured bowls to create your rainbow look.
Make smart colour management.
For example, blue can be mixed with yellow to create green
and the yellow with the pink.
Simply overlap the colours when mixing.

Step 5

Once they are ready, rinse with cool water to prevent the colour from fading.
(The packaging of each company indicates the recommended dwell time for the perfect rainbow look)

The rainbow look

Finally, you must remember that style is the key to showing off your colour.
It is worth, if we like it and support it, to dare such a change!

Now for those of you who dare, but want different tones from one shade, the solution is here 👇


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