Is knowledge an investment?


Knowledge nowadays is a way of differentiating yourself from the competition.
In most professions, expertise and continuous development are the elements that will make someone stand out and excel.
Similarly, our profession is one that constantly needs inspiration, innovation and imagination.

It’s not enough to just have good aesthetics.
It is certainly a very important part, but not enough in itself.
Undoubtedly, it is necessary to combine this with modern and sophisticated techniques.
On your part, you should always be up-to-date and offer your clientele modern images that will make them stand out.
The purposeful choice of knowledge comes after the search for our vocation.
So invest in roads that suit you, that are more you.
Also, find what it is that you desire and make choices that will deliver.
Therefore, the more you work with things you like, the better you will become. Don’t forget that!

Nowadays the abundance of choices in knowledge is so great that sometimes you want to but there is not enough time.

The value of a professional’s time is one of the structures of Digital Hair Academy -Maria Dretaki.

What’s in it for you?

Initially, you invest an hour of training per week, which leads to many hours of work.
An hour from the comfort of your place without unnecessary travel that costs you time and money.

Training on hairstyle pillars that open up artistic paths in front of you.
Knowledge that enables you to create your own results, based on your own aesthetics and with your own signature.
Pictures with your fingerprint!

When you complete the basic three-month Academy training, you then join a new artistic action team, where we will work and create together on events, shows, events, photo shoots.

Make a start and you will see a new artistic world open up before you!

I’m waiting for you!


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