Reimbursable Advance – The Government is considering more tranches for its repayment. Ad. Georgiades to the Board of the BEA.

Repayable advance payment

The government is considering the possibility of repaying the reduced amount of the refundable advance in several instalments. So pointed out the Minister of Development and Investment Mr. Adonis Georgiades during the Board of Directors of the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The meeting was held yesterday in the presence of dozens of businessmen – members of the Chamber.

Mr. Georgiades clarified that no further “haircut” is possible

In particular, Mr. Georgiades, following the request of the President of the BEA Mr. Pavlos Ravanis for an additional reduction in the amount of the refundable advance to crafts, made it clear that it is not possible to make an additional “haircut”. But the increase in the number of instalments of the state loans they have received has been put on the table.
“A real increase in business finance is a priority, both through the banking system and the structural funds. Mr. Rabanis.

The refundable amount to be paid by businesses and self-employed persons.

It is noted that the refundable amount that businesses and freelancers are required to pay is approximately 3 billion. EUR 2.3 billion, of which EUR 2.3 billion. euros shall be considered recoverable.
In total, businesses received 8.3 billion. euro. Under the framework that the government has legislated and is in force, those who received refundable advances in any of the 7 cycles are required to repay a portion of the advances, after deductions, in 60 monthly instalments, starting from 30 June 2022 onwards. In addition, an additional 15% discount is offered to those who repay the amount due in one lump sum until 31 March 2022.

After the latest geopolitical developments

The President of the B.E.A. Paul Ravanis pointed out that, following the latest geopolitical developments, in the shadow of a war that the international community has not been able to prevent, the need for immediate and courageous decisions to maintain market liquidity and protect the productive sector from the new wave of price increases and inflation is even more urgent .

The debate was attended by a number of craftsmen and small and medium sized entrepreneurs, who are being hit hard by the new energy crisis, asking for additional support measures and making important demands such as:

Reduction of the refund rate or more instalments in the refundable advance

Reduction or abolition of the ETMEAR (special emission reduction fee)

Unfreezable bank account for craft enterprises

Special Purpose Bank for SMEs

Reduction of advance payment of tax

Abolition of subscription to POS.

Class demand from hairdressers for a ban on the purchase of professional products on the retail market

Industry-wide request from car workshops: to accelerate the Digital Register of Vehicle Repair and Maintenance Workshops and funding for the industry for training in e-mobility.

The Minister of Development declared himself available for further cooperation and analysis of the problems faced by small and medium-sized enterprises by sector, in order to find feasible solutions within the budgetary framework.

current Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry


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