Melanin …



When you hear melanin?

What are you thinking?

Your tan?

your skin? Your hair?

hmmm …

Let’s see a little…

To know what we are talking about let’s analyse it in simple terms

First of all…

Melanin is a polymer

produced by the melanin cells

these produce the eumelanin that determines the colour of your hair, but also the colour of your skin and eyes.

In relation to the hair…

There are two main melanin pigments, eumelanin and phenomelanin .
Eumelanin contains black and brown and determines how dark the hair is, while pheomelanin contains red and yellow and causes warm tones in the hair.


Chestnut hair ⬆️ευμελανινη

Red hair ⬆️φαιομελανινη

Blonde ⬇️ Melanin


…The amount of melanin decreases with time, resulting in the appearance of grey or white hairs. So white hair for hair is like wrinkles for the skin. Grey hair has few melanocytes while white hair has no melanocytes. This is the reason why grey and white hair is rougher, because of their effort to cope with the sun!(because nature knows 😉)

Because time is democratic, my friend, it does not discriminate … and these will appear

But what other reasons can speed up the process?

-stresses (have you heard of the “whitened overnight”? VALID)

-smoking 🤯

-lack of essential ingredients



-fugitive substances

  • -Toxins
  • -genetic predisposition
  • But I have news for you!
  • ✔️Αν watch your “inside”,
  • your diet (foods with zinc, B12, B9)
  • ✔️αν take care of your hair in the sun, using sunscreen products
  •’ll slow things down!!!!

Besides, see it as an excuse to visit a salon, as an excuse for a new color and a change ! or even if you are bold combine it with the new trends that bring the gray and silver highlights in the “news” as a timeless value !..right ;😉

you choose…

Yours sincerely

Synioraki Mina



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