Idea! 3 steps to reach your goal!


There are many times when I have a great idea and I get stuck on its implementation.
I have the will and the appetite for new things and my routine takes me back.

I don’t have time, I don’t have time, I don’t know where to start to implement my idea!

I know very well that this is the way of thinking of many of us.
I used to think like that sometimes a few years ago.

But I found a way…
I found the trick to implement my ideas and I’m going to share it with you!

Being by nature a creative and creative person, I often made a mess of things in my head.
What bothered me the most was when some things were left half done.
Or even worse when some things were just ideas.

So I put them down and found 3 very important steps that help me every time.
It is the steps that help me to realize my ideas!
It’s really very simple but it takes order and persistence.

Get out a paper and pencil and write down… I mean it!

1. Paint your idea!

Yes, you read that right!
Whatever idea you have, call it “Target“.
So you give it more weight and importance.
You take it out of the back of your mind and bring it forward.
It’s your next goal to achieve.
This way of thinking will make you pay more attention yourself.

It doesn’t matter if it’s something big or small.
The ideas and goals for everyone have the size that we give ourselves.
In our minds, however, the goal seems more important than just an idea.
So we positively encourage ourselves to believe in the idea more.
The name of this “Target” to go to the next step.


2.Organise steps to achieve the goal.

Each idea that became a Goal consists of steps leading to a culmination.
Some steps are small and others are large.
It’s very important to get them in the right order and of course not to overtake any of them.

At this stage, a piece of paper and a pencil are useful.
A classic old-fashioned way that always works.

If I have to adapt it to today so I don’t make you look for a pencil, I will…Open a new page in your mobile notes… it does the same to me.

What to write?

Think and write down the steps that need to be taken to achieve your goal. In the beginning, write it as it is.
As they come to you.
Read them several times and you will understand that in order to succeed you have to put them in order.
So change their order…

You can change them several times in order…
It’s okay, make as many changes and scribbles as you want.
Study it until the right order is established.

When you come to a conclusion, write your steps on a new piece of paper.
This will give you a full picture of what you need to do.
The order you have set is the order you will follow.

3.One step at a time!

Don’t get overwhelmed and don’t panic if the steps you have written down are too many.
Now that you’ve completed your goal organization you move on to the next track.

Every day or whenever you set one of the steps you’ve written down and put it into practice.
Look out!
One step at a time!

It is so heavy that if you push yourself too hard, you may give up…
It is very gratifying to achieve our goals!
But it is important to enjoy the journey as well.

There is no need to push yourself.

Look and enjoy!
And if you’ve thought of a time frame you’d like to achieve it, do it smartly. Adjust your margins to the steps you have noted.
Build your plan intelligently according to your daily routine.
Take one step at a time and check ✅ what you’ve completed.

Soon you will see the steps getting shorter and you will get closer to reaching your goal!

And think that it all started with a simple idea!

Good luck!
With love,

All my articles are written with love and you can read them on my blog by clicking on the little heart!


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