Menopause at 45!! Is there a cure?


How old are you? Do you know anything about menopause, theoretically or practically?

Menopause, which starts between the ages of 45-55, is when the ovaries stop producing eggs, resulting in a drop in oestrogen levels and a cessation of both the menstrual and reproductive cycles. Early menopause is defined as menopause that starts before the age of 45. In both cases of menopause, the associated symptoms start months earlier, during perimenopause.

Early menopause is usually genetic, so you can ask your mother to help you work out when your period will stop. But this is not an absolute certainty, as early menopause can occur due to a health problem, or even because of your lifestyle. In such cases, most women can usually tell by the symptoms they have and do not need a doctor’s diagnosis. Treatment options are available, but not to reverse the condition, but to reduce its symptoms.

In particular, smoking, a low body mass index (BMI), a chromosome problem, seizure disorder or an autoimmune disease, such as thyroid disease and rheumatoid arthritis, are factors that lead to menopause.

How will you know you’re getting close to something like that?

The first symptoms to look for to suspect are when your period starts, it is irregular and not regular and on a schedule as it has been for so long. You’ll also see a change in the duration of it. Usually you will find that you have heavier bleeding, strange blood spots, periods that last more than a week and will come in longer than a month. As far as your psychology is concerned, you will have sudden changes in your mood, changes in your sexual appetite, vaginal dryness, hot flashes, night sweats and often loss of bladder control.

Premature menopause, termination of fertility, causing heart disease, osteoporosis, depression, anaemia and premature death.

On the other hand, early menopause has the positive effect of protecting against breast cancer!


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