A theft in your salon? Stay calm!


As you are cutting your hair and chatting with your regular customer, suddenly a lady comes in to ask you something and as you are talking and doing your job with focus, you realize as soon as she leaves that you are missing several products that you had in the window, on the table and on your shelves.

If this happens, for better or worse, you’re only out of pocket financially. But if the perpetrator is a professional, then the situation can get out of control and the danger can be quite high.

In any case, during the 3.4 minutes that the theft takes place, you must be calm, do not argue with the thief and politely obey his orders. The perpetrator’s enemies are time, noise and of course sight!!!

Theft is divided into categories. It can be without violation, by the method of employment or during the exchange of money, during the operation of your salon, business. But it can also be in the form of breaking and entering.

How can you protect yourself?

First of all, if you don’t already have one… put a magnetic gate, closed image capture circuits and magnetic badges on the goods.

To avoid theft in your salon, avoid displaying merchandise in display cases at night, install security lighting, technical security measures and perimeter shop insurance.

During your work, keep an eye out for nervous clients or people who may wander aimlessly into your salon. A good idea might be to install a sign that states the store’s policy on petty theft. Also avoid having high counters that block your view and make sure your mirrors are positioned so that you can watch what’s going on in your salon more easily.

You’re being robbed. What are you doing at this hour?

Don’t make any sudden movements and don’t say things that might upset the perpetrator. Obey what he tells you, showing him that he is in control. If possible, try to observe his movements, retaining features that will later help in catching him.

After the robbery or even during it, try to call 911, 911, calmly and briefly stating your details, what happened and some description of the perpetrators.


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