The measures are being strengthened. Lockdown within the municipality!


After a long meeting of experts, the Deputy Minister of Civil Protection and Crisis Management Nikos Chardalias announced the following measures in the regular briefing of the Minister of Health Vassilis Kikilias, listing the next steps of the State in order to stop the third wave of the pandemic that is galloping in our country and is putting unbearable pressure on the NHS. Regarding the opening of retail, hairdressers, barber shops, beauty centres, etc. was not even put on the table as a proposal.
The restrictive measures are effective from tomorrow, Ash Wednesday!

Cases are in the red today. According to a statement from the EODY, the new cases of the disease in the last 24 hours are 2702, the deaths of patients with coronavirus have reached 40 and the number of intubated patients is 431! Based on these figures, the Minister of Health said that “Attica is no longer in the red but in the deep red and we are moving to an emergency plan”. From November 2020 where we had 168 M.E.T. , now in March we have 348!!!!

From tomorrow and until Tuesday 16/3 the measures are differentiated and now travel messages are tightened and double-checked !!!!
As Mr. Chardalias, “For the movement of code 2 (going to an operating store of essential goods, pharmacies / supermarkets) and 3 (going to a public service or bank) our destination is required to be either within our municipality, or within 2 km. Regarding the message code 6 (physical exercise outdoors or moving with a pet) we can only move by bicycle or on foot and not go anywhere by car.The checks will be unrelenting and much more thorough.”

In the “deep red” will be from tomorrow except for Attica and the following areas, Achaia, Arcadia, Thessaloniki, Larissa, Lefkada (except for Meganisi), Fthiotida, Argolida, Corinthia, Thesprotia, Thesprotia, Arta, Samos, Boeotia, Chios, Aetoloakarnania, Rhodes, Heraklion, Evia (except for Skyros) and the municipality of Kalymnia. All other areas across the country are classified as ‘red’ risk.

An exception is the region of Larissa where the measures will come into force from Saturday, March 6 in order to manage the consequences of the earthquake.

Specifically, in areas that are in “red” traffic will not be allowed from 9 pm to 5 am. While in the areas in the “deep red” it is adjusted and the curfew will start at 7 instead of 6. The only exceptions are Attica and Thessaloniki, where on weekdays the ban will start from 9 in the evening until 5 in the morning.

Finally, Mr. Chardalias stressed that “any attempt to circumvent the measures leads to their prolongation and we must be careful.

You can also read :
Extraordinary meeting for tougher banning measures!


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