Belly fat- Serious risk to your health.


We’ve been betting, we know… we can see it. Every time we go to put on an outfit and it doesn’t fit, we realize again that we have put on weight.
And we’re saying now, if it’s just a matter of looks, some people like curves, so don’t stress. But do you need to lose weight for the sake of good health?
Be careful, especially if you are a person who tends to store body fat in the belly, because it can be very dangerous for diabetes, heart attacks and cancer!!!

You eat your sweets, your pancakes, your cakes and your buns… and the results are obvious. Where do you put your extra pounds? Abdomen, thighs or girth?

Although the area in which each person stores fat is mostly genetically determined, we can all control it with the right diet.

And because the issue is no longer just a matter of appearance but a matter of health. Read on and get rid of your fat immediately, especially if it’s on your belly.

According to Harvard University research, fat on the thighs or lower body is not biologically active and functions more like an organ gland, producing hormones that affect your appetite and metabolism, so it should not stress you out.

On the other hand, belly fat disrupts insulin function, which increases the risk of type 2 diabetes. It is also associated with increased production of cytokines, proteins that are responsible for the functioning of the immune system. Elevated cytokines are a risk factor for heart disease, as they promote insulin resistance and the development of persistent inflammation.

Finally, among other things, fat in the abdominal area increases the risk of breast cancer, as the body produces more estrogen, which feeds breast cancer cells.


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