Daily tips for losing pounds!!!!


“In the summer, on the beach, in the water, in the water, we float in each other’s arms”, says the well-known song and I, always stepping realistically on the earth, make a picture… how many kilos do I weigh? Could this hugging be possible if I’m fat? In the water we all look like feathers, but when we get out? Do I finally have to do something immediately to get back to the pre-coronary era when I had 10 or so kilos less? Yes, I have to do it and because I don’t want to do something hasty that will make me lose weight, but in two months, in the middle of summer I will put it back on… I decided to find tips to lose weight, in an easy way, just by incorporating some habits into my daily routine. For you to do the same, to be your best self this summer!!!!

Drink 2 glasses of water before each meal. This makes us bloat faster and we don’t eat as much food as we would on an empty stomach.

Change anything complete to semi-solid. From cheese, yoghurt, milk, sausages, white pasta, white bread, etc. Change it all to healthy choices. In comparison, semi-skimmed milk has half the calories of whole milk and more calcium and phosphorus. And goat’s cheese contains up to 40% fewer calories than cow’s cheese.

Drink carrot juice because it contains plenty of fibre and nutrients that help burn fat.

Drink green tea and coffee, you mean without sugar or any whipped cream syrup and other fattening garnish options. Green tea contains substances that, combined with caffeine, stimulate fat oxidation and resting metabolism by 20%.

Instead of drinking fresh juice, eat fruit

Fresh juice will simply be a liquid item that you will consume like water. Fruit or a fruit cream with fruit pieces includes fibre, which will make you feel fuller for longer.

It is said that if you eat an apple 15 minutes before your meal, you will consume almost 190 calories less with the main meal. If you eat a melon followed by a hard-boiled egg, it’s the best for fat burning. If you eat pineapple, you boost your metabolism by helping to disperse protein, and if you eat pomegranates, apart from not wanting to eat sweets, since they are sweet, you will also reduce fat storage in your body.

Breakfast of kings
Eat like a king in the morning, like a prince at noon and like a beggar at night, says a proverb advising us to start the day with a good breakfast, full of protein, complex carbohydrates and fibre, because only then we will feel strong and full for several hours of the day and won’t snack on crap until lunch.

A glass of red wine please
Known to prevent cardiovascular disease, some types of cancer, prevent dementia, fight aging and prevent fat accumulation especially in the abdominal area.

Vitamin C, converts fat into energy. Did you know that this vitamin is not only found in fruits and vegetables but also in paprika? You put paprika in your food.

Yes to hot peppers and vinegar
They contain capsaicin and acetic acid and both speed up the metabolic rate.

Protein snacks, a good choice for one of your meals, is a slice of black bread, with some boiled chicken breast or turkey. Studies show that this way you are 30% more likely to lose weight. If you add a tomato, you’ll get full even faster, since tomatoes suppress the hormone ghrelin, which is responsible for hunger pangs.

With soy and spinach you don’t get hungry , specifically the proteins in soy interact with brain receptors activating the feeling of hunger satiety. This is what spinach does, with twice the amount of fibre it contains than other green vegetables.

Put lentils in every meal
Lentils, due to the large amount of the amino acid lecithin, which they contain, contribute magically to fat burning. According to research, if you manage to eat lentils twice a day, it is possible to lose up to seven kilos in ten weeks.

Yes to the fats in olive oil and nuts

The fat contained in both olive oil and nuts are beneficial fats that stimulate a protein, which in turn triggers hunger pangs. So you won’t be hungry and you’ll eat less. They also both protect you from heart problems.

Half a teaspoon of cinnamon coffee a day, lowers blood glucose and stimulates your metabolism. Because it’s hard to just consume cinnamon powder every day… make sure you consume it with something equally healthy, like a non-fat yogurt, rather than doughnuts or rice pudding!

Meat in your life
If you eat meat, eat it grilled and cooked well above 190 degrees, as this way it loses a lot of fat. Also a good idea to reduce harmful toxic substances in combination with good cooking is the right marinade, in rosemary or in a marinade with lemon, garlic and onion.

Do exercise in company. Build your schedule so that you can wake up early in the morning and before you even eat breakfast you can either do some treadmill, tenting, or just a run or brisk walk. This way your body uses the stored body fat as an energy source and you will lose weight more quickly. If you’ve never been to a gym or exercise class, find a friend who is and arrange to work out together.


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