You want blonde hair? That’s the only way!


Do U wanna be blonde?

I know that here in Greece where we are all women feel and want to be blonde !

But not the one that turns yellow, nor the one that turns orange, nor the one that turns red… (I will tell you the backgrounds in another article to prove to you that blonde is definitely neither orange nor red. But it is yellow ! Don’t roll your eyes ! I saw you !!!).

They want that ice blonde, you know, not the very melted one but not the one next to the lemon ice cubes either.

That cool blonde, the grey but not the dark one, the beige but not the golden sand one, the blonde but not the Egyptian….swedish blonde but not the adult woman … the baby, yes the 3 year old’s baby! I found it!!!

So if you want to become blonde, as your hair expert will surely tell you, you have to follow some rules and follow them religiously, otherwise there will be no cooperation between hairdresser and you ! Yok! Kaput! We’re closed!

So read these rules!!!


You wanted blonde, didn’t you?

So the blonde ( the healthy one) :

  • is the most expensive
  • is the most difficult
  • is the most demanding
  • needs frequent maintenance
  • you should be in the salon at 25-30 days max
  • needs extra care in the salon
  • needs extra care at home (What do you mean you don’t know the basic care?)
  • it’s not a choice…it’s an opinion
  • fits all as long as it is in the right shade (there is no one shade, you idiot)
  • is not achieved by painting on the box which on the outside depicts a well-known presenter who has never even remotely bought this box. Marketing hellooo!!!
  • blond and healthy only with your hair doctor (fasting and prayer)
  • always wants you to be pampered
  • he wants you to be able to back it up in every way!

What do you think?
Do you still want it?

If so then print out these simple rules and go to the salon you trust !
Ask and discuss about the blonde that would suit you and leave it to your hairdresser.
Trust him!
He’s studied it , he’s eaten his lyssacs, he’s stayed up late, he’s exterminated tons of dolls …!

Don’t forget that :

Just as you trust doctors for your medical issues, you should trust hairdressers for your hair.

These are the hair doctors !

For more blondes find me here: and here:


Calliope Veniou


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