6 things that are destroying your hair without you knowing it


Some bad hair habits are easy to spot. Most of the time, you are actually damaging your hair without even knowing it.

Today we will talk about the mistakes that you tend to make without realizing it and as a result you are destroying your hair without even knowing it.
So let’s see what should and shouldn’t be done!!!!

1) Excessive heat
many girls dry their hair with too high a temperature, so that in some places they unwittingly remove more than the moisture they need and thus actually dehydrate the ends without realizing it. A very good solution is to let your hair air dry when possible and when not, use the temperature from the dryer on the middle heat rack

2)You forget about heat protection
Just like when we go out in the sun we use sunscreen, the hair protector works as a shield for the hair when using heat tools, sealing in moisture and thus achieving shine in the hair.

3)You brush your hair when it is wet!!!!
When we brush hair while it is wet on the one hand we think that it is easier to detangle, but on the other hand because it is very elastic we create more damage,
All you have to do is let your hair dry on its own at least halfway and then use a leave-in product with conditioning properties to detangle your hair without causing damage.

4)Finally the towel creates a problem
So the next time you get out of the shower and wrap your hair with a turban, think again!!! 🤔
The classic towels that we all use are made of cotton and usually have a rougher texture, which has the effect of rubbing the hair to create various frizz and in many cases break the hair, what we have to suggest in this case is to find microfiber towels that have very high absorbency and slip on the hair resulting in very much reduced friction on the hair..

5)The myth around the haircut..

I know very well that you all want to have healthy long shiny hair and in many conversations you have heard that “don’t cut your hair if you want to have long hair” I for my part suggest to all women and you who are reading this right now to cut your hair every two to three months, a minimum of one to 1-1 1/2 centimeters so that you keep your hair ends healthy and free of breakage. Trust me your hair will be longer than ever!!!! 🙏

6)Our hair has a memory..

What we mean by the term, they used to, well when a woman uses certain products for her hair for too long there is an accumulation of residue on the scalp so that they do not have the effectiveness they had when she first used them.

What I suggest is that once a month or so you visit your salon and ask for a deep scalp cleanse with either a deep cleansing shampoo or a scalp specific scrub. This way your hair will feel rejuvenated and the products you use will no longer feel the same..

Thank you so much for your time, take these steps and you will see immediate results you won’t believe 😉



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