14 GOLD rules for healthy hair!


Do you want to have healthy hair that grows long and doesn’t break?

Do you want to see the length of the new root and your lengths without scissors?
Then all you have to do is follow these 14 gospel rules and I’m sure you’ll see a big difference in the quality of your hair!

Just know that to see a difference you’ll have to be patient. Yes?

Hair changes, is corrected, comes back, but it takes time.
So don’t be disappointed the first week and give up…

Promise me? I see you….

So let’s look at the 14 rules:

1) No shampooing more than 2 times a week.

And now you’re going to tell me
-I can’t, forget it, I’m like a bag of oil, I go to the gym..blah blah blah blah..blah..


Your skin secretes sebum because it needs it…
He didn’t wake up one fine morning and think he’d get on your nerves!
Sebum is your hair food, your hydration!
If you remove it every day, it’s like having a wound and sanding it with sandpaper.
You will forcibly remove it and it will retaliate by making it think more that something is missing and thus you create a vicious circle!!!!

Don’t worry!
Your hair always adjusts to the conditions!
Which means that they will change the unnecessary sebum secretion if you also stop removing it all the time !

Don’t forget
Oily hair = healthy hair (not to exaggerate…)
Dry hair….possibly future hair loss problems

There are ways to deal with oiliness and not have to wash often!

And they are:
-If you wash often you will always have 2 types of shampoo, a deep cleansing and a mild one for frequent use.
You’re not washing because you’re rolling in the mud but because you just want to freshen them up!
2 times a week with the deep and the rest with the mild and only on the roots.
-When you take a bath you will use a styling product (foam, hairspray, hairspray gel…) on the roots.
That’s because you want them to get a little tougher.
-Always dry upside down because it will help to lift the roots so that they do not touch the skin from which the oil comes from.
-Once dry you can slightly hang the roots for the same reason.
-The next day, bend down, shake your hair and dry shampoo. It didn’t come on the market by accident trust me.
-The next day grab a nice ponytail or any hairstyle that makes you feel comfortable.

Already 3 days without water on the scalp…
3 days without residues, salts, metals!
3 days for a new start of healthy hair!!

Where there is water…there is oxidation!

Trust me you don’t want that for your hair!

2)Use sulfate free shampoo

That is, without sulphates.

I suspect that either you’ve heard it somewhere or you have no idea what I’m talking about! …the second one, huh?
Sit back and take 3 minutes to read me!

Look… you’re right… because

no one has dealt with you honestly.

no one has told you in detail what you should use and what is good for your skin and hair.

Sulphates :
It is a chemical ingredient (petroleum derivative) very very cheap which is used by the cosmetics industry now (it started as an ingredient in gas station cleaners…!!!! Yes I found out after looking it up) because it creates a strong foam and makes you think it cleans perfectly!
HOWEVER, this is a MYTH!
The abundant foam does NOT clean your hair !
Good products do NOT make a lot of foam !

So your skin is informationally the largest organ in your body.
Whatever you touch, whatever product you use, whatever cream you affectionately apply after your shower penetrates your body.
Whatever shampoo you use affects your ph, your scalp and your body.

Did you know that all this can affect your body hormonally?
Did you know that the ingredient SLS can interact with other chemicals to create nitrosamines (carcinogens)?
Did you know that sls are often found in percentages above 80% of the product?

Now you know…
And you have no excuse.

The sulfate free products:

  • They do not create much foam
  • They help in their hydration and are not so “wild” with the scalp
  • They do not oxidize the hair
  • Do not create irritation and itching

3)Do the mask yourself every 15-20 days.

You may want the perfect hair, you may want the longest, shiniest, healthiest hair but what do you do about it?

Certainly all of the above cannot be done on their own but after the right combination of things they will definitely be done!

Another secret is to help them from home in terms of hydration.

You can work with your hairdresser to organise your bathroom shelf so that you are only covered with what you need for a home made treatment.

Surely after a diagnosis of your needs he will be able to suggest the best mask that will bring the desired results (always in combination with everything else).

But do you know how you can make your own mask at home?


  • Wash with the right shampoo for your hair
  • Dry your hair so that it doesn’t have too much water
  • Apply a sufficient amount of mask to all hair except the root
  • Grab your hair
  • Wet a towel with hot water and squeeze it well
  • Wrap your hair with the hot towel
  • Put a nylon bag over the towel (to keep the temperature sealed)
  • Wait an hour.
  • Rinse with plenty of warm (not hot) water
  • The last water tried to be as cold as possible.

4) Daily use of hydration products.

Everyday have you thought about how much suffering your hair experiences?

You who just wake up and you’re permanently caught in a ponytail?
You, who use your motorbike every day for commuting?
You who has the bad habit of constantly teasing your hair?
You, where do you get off on hate?

Yes…you…I see you!

You know what?
Deep down you know that some of the things you do are not right…but you keep doing them!
This is of course your choice!!

But :
you can improve the health of your hair if you keep it hydrated!

Especially if you bathe very often (see rule no.1) besides your conditioner and the mask that I imagine you put in your routine after rule no.3 there is also the choice of leave in products.
The ones that don’t need rinsing.
These products help to keep hydration especially in the lengths of your hair at normal and as needed levels.

Their use is very simple and surely a few drops in the morning apart from the wonderful fragrance and the silky texture that will give you over time you will see a big difference in their quality.

No more hair “straw”!!!!

You may want the perfect hair, you may want the longest, shiniest, healthiest hair but what do you do about it?

5)Once every 3 months do a deep cleansing of your hair.

I’ll give you an example to show you what I mean…

Every day you come into contact with water, wash your hair, wash your face and use different products.
All of this, together with the water, leaves residues, metals and salts!
So all these things “sit” in your hair, scalp, face and body.
Just as you go to your beautician for a facial cleansing, your hair needs the same.

Just think about what’s sitting in your bathtub and you’ll know what I mean!

If you could put a hair under the microscope and see the “dirt” in the form of a stone on the hair.
Over the years, walls of residue and dirt are created which oxidize the hair.

All this filth
sits and on the scalp
prevents the growth and feeding of hair
does not let the technical work have a lasting effect on the paint
does not allow any treatment to penetrate even any conditioner or moisturizer you have on your shelf.

And what is this deep cleansing?

Deep cleaning is a technical work which is done in the salon.
It is based on vitamin C and with the help of heat (20-30 minutes in the air conditioner) it is activated and breaks all the dirt so that you have healthy, shiny and youthful hair !

Deep cleaning appeals to all ages and can stand alone as a service.
It is not necessary to follow technical work.

You may want the perfect hair, you may want the longest, shiniest, healthiest hair but what do you do about it?

6)Say NO to the press

And when I say NO it is NO !!

It’s become very fashionable to have a press…and I’m absolutely convinced that you have one in your cupboard.
Yes… Yes…you have…Don’t laugh wickedly!!!!

Very nice to do your hair with it but in moderation!

Dropping such an object in inexperienced hands is sure to bring destruction to your hair so you have to be very careful.

Learn to love your true self as you are and as you were born!
Nothing happens by chance…

If your hair is curly then style it curly!

If your hair is straight then use your hands more in the drying process and with a little blow dryer it will be perfect!

Be careful with the use of such thermal tools because with such a high temperature it is like “frying” them. .
Be careful because using it creates a more pronounced scissor problem.

7)Mowing every 3 months without fail.

I know you hear a haircut and you’re foaming at the mouth!!!
But give me a chance to explain.

I understand that you may have a bitter experience of a wrong haircut or an over-cut but not all hairdressers are like that.

The health protocol says the following 3 little things every 3 months:

  • Deep cleansing -Detox Therapy
  • Treatment
  • Haircut

When I say haircut I don’t mean a haircut!!!
Do not be afraid!!!!

There are 3 types of haircuts:

  • Haircut for changing your coupon
  • Haircut for maintenance of length e.g. frames
  • Haircut to lengthen your hair

The first 2 options are understandable and the 3rd option is the one that interests you!

How can this be done?

So listen and take note.
Every month your hair grows 1 to 2 inches longer.

Let’s take the less than a point …
If every month you have a minimum of 3 points and you trim 1, you are left with 2 healthy points….

We continue in the next 3 months …
2 points from the previous one + 3 new ones = 5 points
You cut 1 what’s left?
4 healthy points…

Are you confused?

So keep it up and I sign that in a year you will have DIFFERENT hair!
Longer, healthier, shinier, shinier, no split ends!!!!

8)NOTE how you untangle your hair especially when it is wet.

Tell me how you first hear it to get the stroke now….

Really ????


Wet hair tends to break much more easily especially those sensitized by technical work !
They are very vulnerable to a sloppy and sudden untangling and this is because they have absorbed water and are very elastic!!

Here’s what you’re going to do:

  • Lie upright if possible because that way they will be less confused.
  • Always put conditioner on the lengths and if possible leave it on for 5 minutes.
  • Wipe your hair gently and don’t rub it because it breaks.
  • If possible it would be best to absorb the water with a cotton cloth.
  • Use a special spray for untangling.
  • Start to finely comb your hair with your fingers (gently opening the strands).
  • Dry 100% of your hair in an upright position (with calm and not in a hurried, messy way).
  • Once they are magically dry, they will be magically untangled, if not completely untangled, certainly 90% untangled.
  • If they need styling, do it now with gentle strokes on 100% dry hair.
  • Do the styling you love (NO press…I’m looking at you).
  • Put on a leave in moisturizing product.

And ….Voilà !

I’m glad if I helped you at least a little!

9)Always use soft and flexible brushes.

Depending on your hair type you will need to find the right brush to detangle it!

-Your curly hair needs a brush with sparse teeth and that’s because you will necessarily have to untangle it when wet.

-Electrified hair first needs more hydration and a brush with natural hair

-Frizzing hair does not need much brushing because the problem becomes more intense. Prefer if you want to straighten them to apply a funnel with a custom comb to your blow dryer.

For easier detangling on dry hair, opt for a brush with a combination of plastic teeth and natural bristles.
It will make your hair shine!!!!

10)Pay attention to your diet.

As long as possible!!

I know I sound like a dietician but trust me I love food as much as you do.
But I love good food!

As impossible as it is to have a car and fill it up with water … it is impossible to have this wonderful body and fill it with garbage !

I’m not saying you’ll get away with your cunning and your “dirty” day but your daily diet should include :

  • fruit
  • vegetables
  • protein
  • carbohydrate

And of course

  • water (at least 8 glasses!)

Don’t forget :
If you are experiencing any small hair loss problem DO NOT ignore it..

Your body always rings a bell for you when something is wrong!

11)Be careful with the water you drink and wash.

I’m sure it doesn’t occur to you how guilty water is as far as the condition and health of your hair is concerned.


I’ll tell you one thing!

We don’t age…we oxidize!

Meaning what?

It means we’re rusting!
And one factor that contributes to this is water.

So, although water (tap water) is necessary for our lives, it is also very harmful.
This is because, apart from the well-known chlorine, it contains metals and salts which, when you wash and bathe, “sit” on you in the form of “dirt”.

So I suspect you don’t want that!

Imagine what happens if you drink such a water!

What you can do:

  • Put a filter on your main water supply so that your whole house has filtered water.
  • Drink only bottled water if not filtered.
  • ATTENTION on the label! NO table water…because it’s just tap water in a bottle!
  • Give your hair a deep cleansing 2-3 times a year.
  • Whatever needs your skin has and you address to your aesthetician, your scalp has the same needs.
  • He loved Vitamin C and E which help in antioxidation and the destruction of metals and salts.

This was one of the biggest secrets of our daily success!

We recommend this deep cleaning to all our customers!!!!
Those who have trusted him have lived the experience, have smelled the rust on their hair during the cleaning and of course have seen the difference in their hair!

Healthy hair is the one that has shine, movement, vitality and of course not with fading and alterations in color and techniques.

12)A good fingertip massage on the scalp after each shampoo.

The intense pace of everyday life, routine and boredom leave little room for personal care

Showering becomes forced labor!!!!
Yes… Yes… Yes…
Say it…Don’t be afraid!

It’s incredibly boring to take a bath…And especially when you have very long hair!


Shampooing is the most important for the health of your hair.
From the water you use, the products you have on your shelf to the way you bathe!

Don’t you know that the way you bathe is crucial for your scalp?
Don’t you know that the scalp is an extension of your facial skin?
Why treat your face and not your scalp?

You convinced me!

I’ll tell you!!!!

Your head is the only part of your body that doesn’t bleed as easily as your arms and legs which you move around intensely all day!

And what’s the harm, you tell me?

It’s okay because the blood supply (the intense massage of the scalp) activates the follicles which in turn develop and nourish the hair.
Healthy hair is that which has an active-healthy scalp!!!!!!

So please start taking care of your scalp like you take care of your skin in general.
Massage vigorously while you are bathing and “escape” the process.

Trust me…if you do even 10% of all the rules you will definitely see the difference in your hair in a short time!!!

13)No tightly held hair.

There’s no way you don’t know…

And if there is even you…the one who doesn’t know it among the millions of women then change hairdresser…
Because he/she simply doesn’t care about your head but your wallet.

So what does this rule mean?

It means that you should not grab your hair with hatred but with love !

Don’t pull them, scrape them, scrape them, scrape them, scrape them, scrape them, scrape them, scrape them, scrape them, scrape them, scrape them, scrape them, scrape them, scrape them! You don’t feel sorry for them?

What do you have to do?

Buy bones that are “fluffy” and soft!

Grip your hair gently and change the way you grip it (see rule 14).

Be surprised!

Throw that hard little bone, the spiral!

14)No strongly pulled permanent hair in a certain way (risk of irreversible radical hair removal).

So what does this rule mean?

If every day or in a large percentage of your daily life you “grab” your hair in a unique way that pulls violently, intensely and painfully the roots of your hair then in a few years there will be no hair left for hair.
And especially in the places where the roots are pulled (see temples).

Observe the women around you and especially those involved in sports e.g. figure skating, gymnastics, rhythmic, flight attendants etc.
Due to intense pressure on the roots at the forehead very often they are in trouble.

What do you have to do?

DO NOT grip your hair in ONE particular way all the time.
He wants variations!

If you are forced due to work to style your hair in only ONE way and you notice thinning you should know that if you don’t change this habit you will unfortunately lose your hair !

Talk to your company about the problem!

Trust me…if you do even 10% of all the rules you will definitely see the difference in your hair in a short time!!!

Your hair deserves your attention !

Take care of them in collaboration with your hairdresser !

Listen to what she has to tell you , learn about the right way of bathing, ask about their health and daily care.

Whatever questions you have, ask the experts!

Trust hairdressers for your hair and your appearance just like you trust everyone else for the rest of your daily routine!

For any questions I will be happy to talk to you !

Find me here: www.fb.com/kalliopeveniou or here : 2104818385

Calliope Veniou


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