10 ways to grow older, but not get old!!!!


I wish with the mind I have now, I was ten years ago.
I want with the mind and experiences I will have in ten years…. to be the age and appearance I am now. Wouldn’t you all like something similar?

Nowadays with so many creams, so many botoxes, hyaluronic acids and all kinds of magic potions, we are practically all trying to cheat time by erasing it from our beautiful face and body. On the other hand, if you had the option to go back a few years, would you do it?
I don’t. I want to stay physically and mentally right where I am…. for another 20 years!!!!

How much I admire grown-up people, with or without health problems, who, when you talk to them, you perceive an incredible childishness, a fantastically optimistic mood and an admirable strength!!!

There are 10 ways to grow older, but not get older!!!!

1.First of all, love and care for you. What does this mean? Learn to meet your needs in a balanced way, without excess and without deprivation. Learn to eat right and get at least 7.8 hours of sleep every night.

2.Make sure you don’t just sit on a couch, but move your body by exercising. You can walk, you can go to the gym, you can run. Take up tennis, basketball, dance or swimming lessons. You need to stay mobile to avoid being eaten by the boredom of your house.

3.A healthy mind in a healthy body, an ancient saying that is absolutely right. It is not only important to exercise our body, but also our mind. Read books, do crossword puzzles, play trivia games and do memory and mind exercises. The internet has made all knowledge easy…. for us to forget about it for a while, to remember what you really know.

4. We live in today, not yesterday. We keep up to date with current events and what is happening in the outside world, learning everything about evolution, technology and any new things that may be out there. Can a 7 year old kid know about computers and ipads and you don’t?

5. In all circumstances, even in quarantine, I remember to be social and cheerful. I find manners, talk to friends, acquaintances…socialize and don’t keep anything inside. Arrange to do things with people you have fun with, activities either outside or something at home.

6. And why not arrange with your best friend to finally start those Italian lessons you’ve always wanted? Think about how many interesting lessons you can learn and how much fun you can have with your time. Aren’t you the one who always wanted to learn gardening, cooking and making clay statues? Don’t sit idle, find a hobby!

7. We are all growing up, for better or worse. Don’t complain that you’ve reached your second birthday (40) or that a second wrinkle has suddenly appeared on your forehead. Change is inevitable. Learn to live with your sore knee and watch your movements when you bend down, since you also hurt your back a little.

8. We are older and that means we know ourselves much better, we are smarter, more aware and have a lot of positives. Every age is different and I appreciate what we have now, whether we are 20,30,40,50,50,70 years old! Learn to love every period of your life, because it is unique.

9. I know, fortunately, a few cases of women who after 60 stopped taking care of themselves, not taking care of their face, not wearing the clothes they would like to wear and not doing as much as they would like to do, with the excuse that “I’m old, life is for you now”. No, life is for everybody and for you who are 70, 80, 117 years old. How funny is it to be 40 years old and say “when I was young” to a girl of 25? Age is just a number…get it!

10. You live… and that in itself is the most important thing, so you should be grateful.
Live, finding pleasure in every moment. You are lucky to have what you have and be who you are!


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