World Day of All Parents!


Every year June 1 is by the UN, the World Parents’ Day and it is an occasion
to honor all parents for their love and effort.
When we say that this is a day for all parents to celebrate, we don’t just mean all the parents in the world,
but we also mean that all kinds of parents celebrate.
But what do we mean by that?

Parents who have a biological child

This category is the first category that comes to mind when they hear this word.
The mommies and daddies who also have their honor on this day, as from when she starts to gestate
the mother with her child, begins a beautiful journey of varied emotions and happiness,
but also anxiety, fear, insecurity and anxiety about what the next day will bring!
Sleeplessness, care and undivided attention are the characteristics of a parent from the infancy of his child, until he is alive.
So it is precisely those people who know what their child is thinking without speaking who are celebrating,
who want to see it get to where it dreams of being and above all become a good person!

Parents raising a child

Today also celebrates parents who for whatever reason of their own have adopted a child and are raising him or her.
They too have exactly the same anxieties, the same responsibilities and in many cases the same attachment to their children,
of course depending on the circumstances they have an extra burden to give their child a better life,
than she might have had.

People trying to become parents

Those who are trying for a child, whether through IVF or any other help of science, are also celebrating today,
either with a surrogate mother, or people who have started the process of adopting a child
and they are anxious about when they will be able to welcome it into their family and give it all the love they have inside!

The parents of a four-legged companion

Happy birthday to the parents who adopt a four-legged pet and give it all their love and celebrate too,
because they treat their pet as an equal member of the family.
They give their affection and love and are there to support you through the easy and the hard times.

So happy birthday to all parents

Finally, we see that there are many “kinds” of parents, all of whom celebrate World Parents’ Day and that is because,
all of them have the same common characteristics, the same concerns, the same love and live the same happiness!
Parents are the heroes of children from their childhood and as children grow older, they recognize their heroic abilities!
So don’t forget, those of you who are lucky enough to have them, love them, take care of them and tell them every day and in every way!
But especially today, give them a hug and don’t forget to remind them how important they are to you.

So happy birthday super heroes, this day deserves you!


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