What sign did we say you were?!


So let’s talk about the characteristics that each client may have depending on her zodiac sign in the salon.
Are you ready?!
Let’s go!

Aries woman.

Impatient and impulsive, always on the run, galloping like an Amazon and your wait at the salon should have ended yesterday. You know, you have to get in there to get your hair… just relax and you’ll get it all done!

We know you don’t want a single hair flying out of your hairstyle!
You invented ponytails after all!

Aries can even make a Gemini eat his ravenous rabbits.

Fire sign.

Taurus woman.

You love treats and what better for you than a frequent haircut!
Your ideal would be to go every day.

You leave no service unused and are happy to be looked after!
Of course you’ll have coffee, what kind of question was that?

It goes without saying that the head massage is her best and she won’t leave without it.
Nothing can come between you and the things you love and of course your hairdresser is the one you love.

Zodiac of the earth.

Gemini woman.

Social, lusty and full of interests, the hairdresser’s is for you a temple of conversation and information.
Yes to fix the hair, but it’s not the panda, for you it’s about human communication.

You’re the type of woman who can go to her hairdresser not to get her hair done but to tell her the latest news! You will stay for coffee, you have a lot to say!!!!

Air sign.

Cancer woman.

You are interested in caring for others and listen attentively to their concerns and problems. Oligomorphic and introverted, perhaps even conservative, you choose classic looks and simple hairstyles.
Purple, green, orange hair is not for you!

If possible who would she want to be like Ariel?
When things get tough, there is only one solution: a square haircut.

Zodiac sign of water.

Leo woman.

My Queen!!!!
Hair volumizing products are out for you, after all, how would you leave your salon with the elaborate, unique hairstyle you’re looking for?
In your salon you want to feel good, you want to be admired, you want to be loved and once you find that, you can’t change it for anything!!!!
How can we do it?!
You want to see your shine reflected in the eyes of others!

Fire sign.

Virgo woman.

For you, the detail makes the difference but… all the details count, after all, you are looking for perfection!

You want your hair to be flawless, white roots and split ends just don’t fit on your head.
Meticulous and perfectionist as you are, you will ask for exactly what you want and if you happen to not like it, you will say so.

Well, you’re gonna be a little bit… to a lot.

Zodiac of the earth.

Libra woman.

You’re the type of woman who wants to have the most beautiful hair, but at the same time doesn’t like to be teased too much!
You don’t want to be dragged through the hairstyle, you don’t want to be hurt and your ideal hairdresser would be to have two invisible hands that would do their magic!

But you are always kind and you need to be loved!
So you do your best to have the ideal relationship with everyone, since you want to be the best client in the salon.

Air sign.

Scorpio woman.

You are the mystery woman, persistent and if you decide something the hairdresser will never be able to change your mind. You’ll get the one you want!
For you, life is all about experience and you will learn from your experience even if you have to have your hair down!
Bold and independent, you want others to understand what you’re asking for, without too many words.
Of course you’re on the edge.
From platinum you go to black and blue…. Comfortable.

Zodiac sign of water.

Sagittarius woman.

On your travels to foreign countries, you will visit at least one hairdresser.
You need the experience so that you can tell your company about the different.
How is the hairdresser in China?
In England?
You’re interested in variety, you try but you don’t stick.

You are bold and ask your hairdresser for different hairstyles.
You could write a whole book about salon culture, you know that?

Fire sign.

Capricorn woman.

Serious and measured you know what you are asking for.
Before you go to your appointment you have done a whole market research and you know trends, products etc.
You want to be able to communicate with the professional!

You usually don’t show your age and that’s why youthful hairstyles suit you for many years.
You have endurance and patience as long as the desired result is achieved.

Besides, you will always take something with you to work, time is money!

Zodiac of the earth.

Aquarius woman.

“Hair salon”?
What salon? Why should I go?
Isn’t my nice long bottle hair just fine?

Maybe at my wedding, or my best friend’s wedding, then yes, but in general I have other things to do!
More seriously, in my opinion always, I love people and respect their opinions!

But at the moment I have to deal with the public, with saving the blue seal and so on.
Okay, if you want to make an appointment for Christmas!

Air sign.

The Aquarius woman spoke for herself.

Pisces woman.

Hopelessly romantic.
You live in your world and before your appointment at the salon, thousands of ideas of how you could do your hair circulate in your mind.

But what you develop with your imagination, you do not easily make reality.
Your imagination is so strong that you have already gotten the satisfaction of the new extreme hairstyle!
So as soon as you sit in your hairdresser’s chair, you ask… one of the same.

Zodiac sign of water.

Makri Elizabeth





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