The 5 phrases for the ultimate… failure!

The 5 phrases for the ultimate... failure hairdressingnews mycitycoach

If failure could talk to us, she would surely tell us that she likes phrases like: “Idon’t want“, “I can’t
and “I won’t do it“!

How do these phrases sound to you?
I’m sure we all use them from time to time.

But success and failure are not only linked to actions, but also to our words.
With the words and thoughts that lead us to actions and results.

So let’s look together at some key phrases that are hindering our progress.

I can’t / I won’t make it

If I think I can’t, it means I won’t try very hard.
There’s no point in trying something if I’m sure the result will be negative.

This cannot be done

If we are convinced that there is no solution to a problem, then we will most likely not look for an alternative. We accept the deadlock without a second thought.

I’m bored

I’m bored and I’m not going to do anything to make that boredom go away.
Eventually it will pass.
But maybe not.

I’ll do it later

This is the favorite of failure!
The procrastination!
But how many great minds don’t move forward in life because they carry an energy for some time in the future.
And it usually happens with those things that we know need to be done.

The others are better than me

Oh… the comparison.
If the other guy is better, why should I bother trying to succeed somewhere?
Let’s not start at all!

If you think about it, our body is quite lazy.
He doesn’t want to do much of anything, but not because he doesn’t love us. The opposite!
It wants to protect us and makes sure that we do not get stressed and tired in our daily life.

There is nothing wrong with having some resistance to change or not feeling like trying new things or “fighting” for something. But micro-challenges in the way of thinking will help you to see other colours around you
and will contribute to your self-improvement .

Instead of saying “I can’t,” try saying… “how could it be done?”

With a lot of love,


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